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Why Teacher’s Day Isn’t Always Happy: 6 Things Teachers Do That Can Scar A Child For Life

Today is Teacher’s Day, a day when we celebrate the people who impart valuable knowledge and prepare us for life. However, today is also a day, for a lot of people, when the most damaging memories resurface. While Teacher’s Day is a day to acknowledge the teachers you remember fondly, it’s also a day to… Continue reading Why Teacher’s Day Isn’t Always Happy: 6 Things Teachers Do That Can Scar A Child For Life

5 Artisanal Mithai Brands Which Will Give A Unique, Sweet Twist To Any Occasion

India has a long-standing tradition of celebrating every occasion with something sweet. Whether it’s a one-time event like a wedding, or a festival like Diwali, mithai is an intrinsic part of our celebrations. But, every now and then, you need something new which will make your gift or event unique. What if we told you… Continue reading 5 Artisanal Mithai Brands Which Will Give A Unique, Sweet Twist To Any Occasion

Living A Waste-Free Life And Changing The World: Meet Badass CEO Sahar Mansoor

Living a waste-free life sounds easy, but it really isn’t. We don’t even realise how many of our seemingly harmless habits are actually contributing to choking the planet. However, if you really put your mind to it, it’s not impossible. That’s what Sahar Mansoor set out to prove when she started living a waste-free life.… Continue reading Living A Waste-Free Life And Changing The World: Meet Badass CEO Sahar Mansoor

13 Movies And TV Shows To Watch On Netflix, Hotstar And Amazon Prime In September

If you’re confused with the long line-up of upcoming movies and shows to watch online, don’t worry. You won’t have to spend a lot of time making the right choice. We’ve done the work for you and figured out the best movies and shows to watch on Netflix, Hotstar and Amazon Prime in September. Whether… Continue reading 13 Movies And TV Shows To Watch On Netflix, Hotstar And Amazon Prime In September

A Fascinating Tale Of Bravery And Shattering Stereotypes: Meet The Real Gunjan Saxena

Gunjan Saxena – it’s not a name you would’ve heard very frequently. We wouldn’t blame you if you hadn’t heard it at all. But it is a name which should go down in history books as synonymous with bravery in every form you can imagine. Gunjan Saxena, along with Srividya Rajan, was one of the… Continue reading A Fascinating Tale Of Bravery And Shattering Stereotypes: Meet The Real Gunjan Saxena

‘Your Network Is Your Net Worth’: Fund Manager Surabhi Chauhan On Women In Finance

Making it to the top in finance is a tough path to follow, especially for women. Women have to work harder, earn lesser, at least initially, and face gender discrimination at various levels before they can make it to the top of the ladder. What makes the journey better, however, is having a mentor. Having… Continue reading ‘Your Network Is Your Net Worth’: Fund Manager Surabhi Chauhan On Women In Finance

12 Jaw-Dropping Responses To Annoying Uncles And Aunties Who Will Hound You This Wedding Season

The grand wedding season of 2019 is almost here. And so are the hordes of uncles and aunties who will make your life miserable with their questions about your life. They want to know everything, don’t they? When are you getting married? Are you dating anyone? When are you going to have kids? How much… Continue reading 12 Jaw-Dropping Responses To Annoying Uncles And Aunties Who Will Hound You This Wedding Season

‘Start Small But Keep Chasing Your Dreams’: Founders Of The Pink Post Inc On A Career In Fashion And Retail

Pursuing a career in fashion in India is not an easy road to travel. However, if you manage to make a niche for yourself and your brand, a host of new avenues open up. That’s what the founders of The Pink Post Inc realised when they first came together to launch their brand. The Pink… Continue reading ‘Start Small But Keep Chasing Your Dreams’: Founders Of The Pink Post Inc On A Career In Fashion And Retail

Amazon Rainforest Fire Breaks All Records: Our Planet Is Being Murdered, But Do We Care?

If you’ve been anywhere on social media in the past couple of days, you would’ve seen the devastation being caused by the Amazon rainforest fire. This attention, however, is too little, too late. Image Source When the Amazon rainforest, the lungs of our planet, was under threat from climate change deniers who just wanted to… Continue reading Amazon Rainforest Fire Breaks All Records: Our Planet Is Being Murdered, But Do We Care?

Turkey Travel Guide: A Surprisingly Easy Country For Women Travelling Solo

When it comes to women travelling solo, we don’t generally think of Turkey as an option. But this is one country that should be on every traveller’s list, solo or otherwise. From ancient history to modern marvels, Turkey has a lot to offer which you won’t be able to cover in one trip. And the… Continue reading Turkey Travel Guide: A Surprisingly Easy Country For Women Travelling Solo

‘Important To Talk About Struggles And Success Stories’: Pilates Guru Namrata Purohit On Encouraging Women In Business

A career in the fitness industry was not a thing until very recently. Only a handful of professionals were noticed in this field, and they were always too expensive. Now, a revolution in the fitness industry has meant a whole new way of life for the average, urban Indian. And a whole new career option… Continue reading ‘Important To Talk About Struggles And Success Stories’: Pilates Guru Namrata Purohit On Encouraging Women In Business

10 Skincare Products On Nykaa That We Swear By

It’s difficult to find the right skincare product for you. It takes a lot of hits and misses till you can find the products that actually suit you. In addition, finding the right place for these products is also a task. So, we decided to make your life slightly easier. We buy a lot of… Continue reading 10 Skincare Products On Nykaa That We Swear By

Sacred Games Review: Season 2 Raises The Bar On International Television

Last year, Sacred Games was the most highly anticipated thing on Netflix in India. It was the first major Indian web series with many known faces in front of the camera and known names behind it. It also offered hope for detailed, well-researched, and topical content in a country where content creation for the screen… Continue reading Sacred Games Review: Season 2 Raises The Bar On International Television

‘Push Yourself In Moments Of Self-Doubt’: Pernia Qureshi On Success, Courage And More

If you’ve ever shopped online, you would know of Pernia’s Pop-Up Shop. India’s first luxury e-commerce platform, Pernia’s Pop-Up Shop was considered quite a revolution in the Indian retail industry. Some of the country’s top designers are listed on this platform. Such a concept made it easy for customers to get their hands on the… Continue reading ‘Push Yourself In Moments Of Self-Doubt’: Pernia Qureshi On Success, Courage And More

9 Places To Visit And Things To Do In Tokyo During The 2020 Summer Olympics

The dates for the 2020 Summer Olympics have been announced. If you’re a sports enthusiast, you should book your tickets to Tokyo now. Apart from the obvious thrill of the 2020 Olympics, Tokyo will have a lot to offer for the adventurous, fun-loving traveller during that time of the year. True, there won’t be any… Continue reading 9 Places To Visit And Things To Do In Tokyo During The 2020 Summer Olympics