Gyms can be extremely expensive. On top of that, your busy life may not leave you with enough time to go to one on a regular basis, and you end up neglecting your health and fitness because of this. Even going out for a run isn’t always ideal, considering how polluted most of our cities are. Exercising outdoors may cause more harm than good. The best solution to this is to have some handy workouts that you can do by yourself at home, without any equipment. The added bonus is that this will not cost you a thing. Here are a few easy home workouts you can start doing today.

1. Jumping Jacks

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Jumping Jacks are so easy that anyone can do them. Stand upright and jump, spreading your legs apart so that they’re the same as your shoulder-width. When you jump, stretch out your arms, taking them from your sides to over your head. This exercise makes for great cardio, and it increases your stamina. Jumping Jacks also burn around eight calories per minute.

2. Planks

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If you want killer abs, this is the exercise for you. It helps you build a really strong core as well. Just get into push-up position and ensure your elbows are bent at a 90 degree angle. Your body weight should be on your forearms, and your body should be as straight as possible. Try to do this in front of a mirror in the beginning so that you can check your posture. Hold this position for as long as you can. This will burn around two to four calories per minute.

3. The Superman


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This exercise is great for your back, hips, and shoulders. Lie in the Superman position (on your stomach with your hands stretched forward). Ensure that your toes are pointed away from your body and that your palms facing the floor. Raise your arms and legs off the floor without raising your head or arching your back. Hold this position for a minute and then slowly go back to the starting position. One set of this burns around 10 calories.

4. Limb Raise

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This is a more intensive exercise for your back, hips, glutes, and shoulders. Lie in the aforementioned Superman position and raise one limb at a time, hold it for a while, and slowly bring it down. Do it for each limb.

5. Push-ups

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Push-ups are an oldie, but they’re great because they make your upper body very strong. But if you find conventional push-ups too difficult, choose the level of incline yourself. You don’t have to lie flat on the ground. You can do this against a wall as well. The higher the angle with the wall, the more strenuous it is. Doing conventional push-ups burns around seven calories per minute. This reduces with the angle.

6. Squats

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Squats are a terrific way to strengthen your thighs and hips. The right way to do it is to ensure that your knees are behind your toes in a squatting position, so that you’re able to see your toes if you look down. Otherwise, you could cause damage to your knees in the long-run. You can burn five calories a minute doing these.

7. Jump squats


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A more intense form of squats is jump squats. Get into the correct squatting position and jump in a manner that you extend your ankles, knees, and hips. Keep your feet at the same level and in-line with the floor when you’re in the air. Land in a manner that your weight is on the middle portion of your feet and roll backwards towards the heels. Your hips should be backwards so that they absorb the impact rather than your knees. These can burn 10 calories a minute.

8. Lunges

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Lunges help strengthen multiple muscles like your abs, glutes, thighs, and legs. They’re quite simple to do. Put one foot forward while maintaining your balance and place it on the floor heel first. Transfer your body weight onto the front foot and move your hips down until your front thigh is parallel to the floor. Keep your back straight. Press on your front foot and get back to the starting position. You can burn seven calories a minute with this.

9. Bird Dog

easy home workouts

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This exercise is great for your abs and your lower back. Lie on your hands and knees in a manner that your thighs are perpendicular to the floor and your arms are completely straight as well as perpendicular to the floor. Now raise one arm and the opposite leg off the ground while keeping your head and neck aligned and your spine straight. Hold for a few seconds and repeat with the other set of limbs. This will burn around six calories a minute.

10. Crunches

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A well-known way to build strong abs, crunches can be done very easily at home. Make sure your thighs, calves, and the floor form an equilateral triangle when you’re lying on your back. Put your hands behind your head and curl forward until your upper back is off the ground. Hold this briefly before going back to your original position slowly. This burns around five calories a minute.

Get fit in 2020, people! If you’re working out for the first time, click here to know what you should keep in mind.

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