On March 1, 2024, news broke that a Spanish woman who was travelling with her husband was gang-raped in Jharkhand. The Brazilian-Spanish woman was travelling on a biking trip from India to Nepal. The woman and her husband had set up a tent to spend the night at Kurmahat in the Hansdiha area. While the couple stayed there, seven men allegedly barged into their tent, raped the woman, and hit her husband repeatedly with a helmet and stone.
In light of this news, many people across the internet have shared their take on why they wouldn’t want to travel alone in India.
When people shared their own stories of harassment and assault in India, they faced criticism from those who think talking about these incidents shames the country and ruins its reputation. But is that what we should be focusing on? In the same week as International Women’s Day, a case like this only brings to light that women are still treated like secondary citizens 365 days a year.
Have you travelled in India alone as a woman? Tell us your experience in the comments.
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