Love birds Rajkummar Rao and Patralekha tied the knot in an intimate wedding ceremony on Monday. And their wedding pictures made all of our Monday blues disappear. The couple has been dating for 11 years and got married over the weekend in Chandigarh. With close friends and family in attendance, the festivities were as dreamy as they could get. Here are all the gorgeous pictures from Rajkummar Rao and Patralekha’s wedding!
Rajkummar Rao took to his Instagram to share this stunning picture from their wedding. He wrote, “Finally after 11 years of love, romance, friendship, and fun, I got married to my everything today, my soulmate, my best friend, my family. Today there is no greater happiness for me than being called your husband @patralekhaa
Here’s to forever .. and beyond ❤️”
The bride, Patralekha, also shared some heartwarming pictures from their big day. She wrote, “I got married to my everything today; my boyfriend, my partner in crime, my family, my soulmate…My best friend for the last 11 years! There is no greater feeling than to be your wife!
Here’s to our forever…”
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