Say the word ‘relationship’, and people assume you’re talking about a two-person, primarily hetero unit. Well, ladies and gentlemen, stop it. The world is now slowly beginning to realise that love is love and it can be between anyone, not just a biological man and a biological woman. And we are here to tell you that it can be between more than just two people. Monogamy is well and good for those who enjoy it, but there’s more to life. Some people enjoy something other than a monogamous relationship, and that’s perfectly normal. Don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise. Here are some types of relationships other than monogamy that people can enjoy…or at least experiment with.
1. Open relationship

If you and your partner one day decide that you would like to have sex with someone else, an open relationship lets you do that. A consensual open relationship is one in which both partners agree to pursue other sexual relationships without a commitment. You might say, “Oh, this is cheating. This is bad.” Ughh! No, it’s not!
Open relationships do not mean infidelity. Because all parties consent to it and all parties are aware of it, open relationships are an ethical practice. Don’t let anyone guilt-trip you into believing otherwise. Actors Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith are famously known to be in an open relationship. And they have repeatedly talked about how much trust and respect they have for each other and how they have never conformed to just a monogamous relational perfection. If you have to follow an example, follow them, peeps.
2. Swinging
Ahh! Now, this is exciting. No, we are not talking about the swinging we did as kids, pfft. This is another one of those sexual relationships where pleasure is the name of the game. You follow the rules and boundaries of the relationship, and it will end in nothing but pleasure. There will be some research required before you start swinging but don’t give up if that’s what you really want. You can also find like-minded couples and try to swap partners for a day/night of fun and frolic. Make your own rules and go grab your pleasure.
3. Monogamish

Monogamish is the kind of relationship closest to monogamy, but yet gives you some leeway. Looking to spice up your antics in the bedroom and get another person involved occasionally? Well, a monogamish relationship is the way to go. You have the commitment required in a monogamous relationship, while also getting a little mutually agreed upon fun. After all, an occasional threesome never did anyone any harm.
4. Polyamory
Polyamory, as the name suggests, involves multiple romantic relationships. A polyamorous couple usually has other romantic, intimate partners apart from each other. If you find yourself unhappy with one aspect of your relationship, a polyamorous relationship is something you can look into. Both partners are aware of the other person’s relationships. It is not just a casual relationship either. Polyamorous couples usually actively foster romantic relations with their other partners.
One of the most well-known polyamorous species in pop culture would be the Denobulans from the Star Trek series. The species is known for its non-conforming relationships. In fact, in Denobulans, the males would have three wives and each wife would have three husbands each. So, don’t let anyone tell you that a polyamorous relationship is cheating. They don’t know what they are talking about.
5. Poly-fidelity
When three or more people are in an intimate relationship, that’s poly-fidelity. A throuple, or a group of three people, is a good example of a poly-fidelity relationship. Basically, you just restrict your sexual and romantic relations with the people involved in the relationship.
Did you know the superhero ‘Wonder Woman’ was conceptualised based on the two women in author William Moulton Marston’s life? William Moulton Marston was in a poly-fidelity relationship with his legal wife Elizabeth Holloway and their partner Olive Byrne. Even Wonder Woman was born out of an unconventional relationship, so what are you being judgy about?
6. Friends with benefits

Well, well, well… Is there someone who doesn’t know what FWB is? Well, if you don’t, then let us educate you. It is a purely sexual relationship between two friends without any pressure of commitment. Do you think one of your friends is super-hot and you want to get some action? Well, just talk to your friend and find out if they would be interested in being your friend with benefits. Hollywood would turn your FWB arrangement into a rom-com *cough* Friends With Benefits *cough*, but we all know real-life doesn’t play out like that. You don’t have to worry about the “next step” in an FWB relationship. All you need to worry about is how to get your partner all hot and bothered, or what sexual play you wanna try the next time you hit the sack. Just make sure your friend knows what you want from this arrangement.
Remember, people, no matter how you label your relationship, consent is key. As long as all the parties involved are interested and excited about a prospective adventure, go ahead and set the sheets on fire.
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