Bollywood actor Parineeti Chopra and politician Raghav Chadha are officially husband and wife! The couple had a small Roka ceremony with close friends and family in May 2023. And now, over the weekend, #Ragneeti had a dreamy wedding in Udaipur at The Leela Palace. The couple tied the knot on September 24 in an intimate ceremony. Here are Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha’s wedding pictures that they shared over the ‘gram.
Parineeti posted the wedding pictures on Instagram with the caption, “From the very first chat at the breakfast table, our hearts knew. Been waiting for this day for a long time. So blessed to finally be Mr and Mrs! Couldn’t have lived without each other… Our forever begins now… 💖”
We are absolutely loving this cute detailing on Parineeti’s dupatta that has Raghav embroidered on it.
We also spotted designer Manish Malhotra, Parineeti’s best friend Sania Mirza, actor Bhagyashree, and singer Navraj Hans among other wedding guests.
Parineeti looked gorgeous in a handcrafted lehenga, exuding simplicity and elegance.
“Our gorgeous #ManishMalhotraBride Parineeti Chopra exudes regal grace in our exquisitely hand-crafted wedding ensemble, which took 2500 hours to create. The beautiful tonal ecru base is adorned with intricate hand embroidery, using vintage gold thread in a mesmerising linear geometric pattern. Nakshi and metal sequins add a touch of elegance, perfectly complementing the delicate mesh #mmblouse and tulle framework dupatta, each embellished with fair-sized pearls. Adding a personalised touch, our signature tulle #MMveil features her handsome groom, Raghav’s name in Devanagari script, created with the artistry of badla work reflecting their deep-rooted love,” the brand stated on Instagram.
The bride paired her wedding ensemble with a multi-tiered necklace in green to complete the look.
Giving details of the jewellery, Manish Malhotra’s label said, “Completing the ensemble, our season-cherished multi-tiered #ManishMalhotraJewellery necklace featuring Uncuts, Zambian and Russian emeralds in an antique finish, paired with earrings, a maang tikka, and haathphool designed with precision using Uncuts, Diamonds and Russian emeralds add a final flourish to her bridal radiance.”
Here’s wishing the couple a happily ever after!
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