Frantically googling how to get rid of hickeys overnight? Well, all you gotta do is calm down. It takes some time and effort to conceal those nasty love bites. But don’t worry, because you don’t have to hide them under a scarf and look fashionably uncool. While it usually takes about a week for the bruise to fade away, trying unnecessary hacks can irritate them more. So, here’s how to hide hickeys by speeding up the healing process effectively.
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1. Try the classic cold spoon hack

As soon as you are done with your business, pop a spoon in the refrigerator for about 10 minutes. Not the most romantic thing to do, but it’s necessary! Now, while the bruise is still fresh, apply the cold spoon to it. It might feel uncomfortable but it will stop the internal bleeding and slow the swelling. Keep repeating it two to three times a day for a few days as it will help heal the bruise a lot faster.
2. When ice doesn’t work, heat it up with a warm compress

Once your hickey forms, a cold compress won’t be too helpful. Instead, you’ll need a warm compress and treat the hickey as a bruise. This will help spread the blood flow to the bruise and help in healing it faster. You can simply wet a towel with hot water and press it softly on the hickey two to three times a day.
3. Massage with a banana peel

No, we haven’t gone bananas and we definitely didn’t make this one up. Massaging your hickey with a banana peel is one of the best ways to hide them. This is because bananas have anti-inflammatory properties that soothe the skin. They speed up the healing process but don’t keep trying this if it irritates your skin.
4. Use a lip balm

Put your lip balm or chapstick to good use and learn how to hide hickeys quickly. Rub some ice over the bruised area till it becomes numb. Then, massage the area with a lip balm applying a little pressure for a few seconds. This will contract the blood vessels and the balm will increase the blood flow, allowing the bruise to heal quickly.
5. Eat some fresh pineapple

Pineapples contain an enzyme called bromelain which heals bruises quickly. So, run to the grocery store and grab yourself a fresh pineapple. But don’t apply pineapple slices in order to get a quick fix because it might irritate your skin and cause a flare-up. Just stick to eating a fresh pineapple or drinking pineapple juice for two to three days.
6. Dab on a full-coverage concealer

Yes, if nothing works, you must trust the magic of makeup. Pick your favourite full-coverage concealer and dab it on dry skin with a wet sponge. Once done, brush it with a setting powder or compact to make sure the concealer is in place. You can also opt for colour correctors in shades of green and orange before applying a layer of concealer.
7. Apply arnica oils, creams, and gels

Arnica is a flowering herb that has been used to heal bruises. It contains helenalin, an anti-inflammatory component that soothes the skin. It reduces swelling and calms the skin down, helping the bruises to heal quickly. So, opt for oils, creams, or gels with arnica in them to get rid of those nasty hickeys.
8. Stay away from essential oils

Essential oils are generally soothing and calming, but stay away from them when you are treating a bruise. If you have sensitive skin, essential oils might cause irritation and lead to a rash. So, steer clear of highly concentrated oils to cool down your hickey.
9. Add Vitamin K foods to your diet

Now that you know we are way past the overnight tips, let’s talk about real stuff. Since your hickey will take a while to heal, adding some Vitamin K-rich foods to your diet will boost the process. Chop up some fresh kale, broccoli, and spinach because these will help in absorbing clots of blood in your body.
10. Forget the D and get some Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant and consuming it orally or applying it topically can be really helpful. Serums, lotions, or creams with Vitamin C will help fade the hickeys and also save you from further scarring or pigmentation. Meanwhile, you can also have some oranges and lemons to speed up the process.
11. Try some dry brushing

An easy way to hide a hickey is by grabbing that toothbrush and massaging your hickey with it. Now, you might like it rough, but your broken blood vessels would love some soft bristles. So, gently massage your hickey with the bristles and move it in different directions to help increase the blood flow. Once done, top it off with some Vaseline and repeat two or three times a day.
12. Peppermint ain’t gonna help

Your genius brain might think that peppermint can do the trick of reducing your hickey mark, but it will do the exact opposite. Peppermint in any form is going to irritate the skin and make it worse and isn’t the best idea.
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