The Pisces season is here to remind you that taking the road less travelled can lead to great outcomes. Here is your horoscope for February 24 to March 2, 2025.

horoscope from february 24 to march 2

Related: Monthly Love Horoscope For February 2025: What Has Cupid Planned For You?

1. Aries (March 21–April 19)

Love: What is on your mind, Aries? If someone is keeping you up at night by making you overthink, it is time you have a serious conversation. You might wanna make some tough decisions, be brave.

Career: Your professional life is all over the place with nothing promising enough to make you last. Take a couple of weeks off to plan ahead.

Colour: Wear white, it helps with an optimistic approach.

2. Taurus (April 20–May 20)

Love: If you’re looking for something serious, you’ve got to be more consistent and less flaky in your approach. You can’t act according to your mood all the time and have to consider what the other person might be feeling.

Career: It’s not now or never, Taurus, but that doesn’t mean you keep hoping things will change without doing anything about it. Unless you get more interested in making a switch, nobody is going to hire you out of nowhere.

Colour: Wear red, it’ll help you channel some productive vibes.

3. Gemini (May 21–June 20)

Love: There’s some drama brewing in your love life, and I hate to say it but you might be the cause of it. Maybe you don’t realise how much your actions affect your partner and, currently, they are feeling majorly insecure. Fix it.

Career: Get those big plans in action, now is a good time to do a test run. Don’t be afraid of the hurdles, they will humble you and help you make a better plan of action.

Colour: Wear butter yellow, it’s chic and brings out your creative energy.

4. Cancer (June 21–July 22)

Love: Looks like you’ve caught someone’s eye and they are not playing shy or beating around the bush. Don’t be stunned, maybe this is what will get your dating game rolling.

Career: The horoscope for February 24 to March 2, 2025 asks you to not change jobs right now. Wait for the right moment, seize it, make your boss realise you’re not easily replaceable, and then put in your papers.

Colour: Wear blue and channel some water sign energy.

5. Leo (July 23–August 22)

Love: You’re mostly back on track with your relationship and now could be the time to get a little experimental. You’re in the safe zone, so you should push your limits a bit to see how far you can go.

Career: Leave the stress back at home because you know you’re killing it at work right now. If someone has an issue, it could be a personal grudge that you don’t need to entertain.

Colour: The horoscope for February 24 to March 2, 2025 suggests green for you this week.

Related: 15 Funny Leo Memes That Mirror The Unstable And Diva Personality Of This Zodiac

6. Virgo (August 23–September 22)

Love: Just because you are in a healthy and happy relationship does not mean you start putting in less effort and put your relationship on auto. You never know what might hit you out of nowhere, so keep your eyes on the road.

Career: If you’re thinking of starting something of your own, you need a trustworthy team of people around you. Find the right ones before discussing your plans at the next social gathering.

Colour: Blue is what you need to stay grounded this week.

7. Libra (September 23–October 22)

Love: Ignoring people is not really your vibe, Libra. The Pisces season asks you to do better and not make things bitter with someone who crosses oceans for you. If they’ve messed up, let them know instead of ghosting them.

Career: If you want things to be done seamlessly, maybe you need to let people just do things in the best possible way they can find. If they need help, be available, but don’t get all ‘my way or the high way’.

Colour: You need some orange energy this week.

8. Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

Love: Things seem to be going well, but what’s the next move, Scorpio? You can live in your bliss for as long as you want but you’ll have to address the dreadful question this week.

Career: Sure, working hard is always a great idea, but the horoscope for February 24 to March 2, 2025 reminds you that working smart is an even better idea. Try both to stay afloat this week.

Colour: Wear pink, it works like a charm for you.

Related: 15 Scorpio Memes That Will Make This Unhinged Water Sign Feel Attacked

9. Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

Love: You and your current partner could have different ideas of the kind of relationship you have. If it is just casual and nothing serious, let them know about it. They might be falling head over heels for you and you don’t wanna break their heart.

Career: Things might seem a bit overwhelming and confusing at the moment. It is normal to burn out and get off track, Sagittarius. Take a little break to gather your thoughts.

Colour: Wear something golden, you could use the sparkle this week.

Related: Stuck In A Dry Spell? Try Some Good Old Lazy Sex When You’re Cold And Tired

10. Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

Love: How are you feeling, Cap? Is someone doing everything they can to test your patience or are you over-reacting? If it is the latter, you could use some quality time with your partner discussing your feelings and finding the right solutions.

Career: Don’t let people pull you down. It is easy to zone out and not bother but it is always better to ignore the bad energies and just do your job like you mean it.

Colour: Wear emerald green to attract wealth and tap into your rich b*tch energy.

11. Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

Love: If you’re feeling hurt by someone’s actions, it is best to confront them instead of going MIA. Don’t disregard your own worth or place it in someone else’s hands. Take charge and get things back on track.

Career: Your boss is interested in your current projects. This is your chance to shine bright and put that creative mind to use for something that actually reaps rewards.

Colour: Wear peach, it is energetic but not overwhelming.

12. Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Love: You know when you’re being used just to keep someone’s ego satisfied and when someone actually loves and cares for you. Spot the difference and make the right decisions this week.

Career: No, you can’t ghost your job and not show up. Yes, you can take a break and then come back with the right mindset. Think things through before throwing a fit and a job away for no good reason.

Colour: Powder blue is the colour for you this week.

Related: Seeing 11:11 Around You? Here’s What The Universe Is Trying To Tell You

Have a lovely week!


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