Friends are your chosen family, which is why when you lose a friend, it feels almost debilitating. Friendships form such an integral part of your life, because these are relationships you choose rather than being born with them. You spend so many memorable moments with your friends and share the most intimate secrets with them. It’s only natural to feel sad when you lose a friend. But why would you lose a friend? You could have grown apart, want different things from life as years pass by, or you could have a falling out. The reasons may be anything, but what are the signs that show your friendship is dying?

Related: Is Your Bestie A Walking Red Flag? 8 Signs You’re In A Toxic Friendship

1. Hanging out together feels like a pain

signs your friendship is dying

One of the best parts of having friends is how much fun hanging out together can be. But when you start dreading the time you spend together, you need to take a close look at your friendship. You don’t want to spend any time together, and when you do, it feels like a chore.

2. You don’t feel like responding to them anymore

Sure, there are times when you are exhausted or not in the mood for a chat. But if you constantly start feeling like avoiding your friend, that’s troublesome. You no longer want to respond to their texts; you actively ignore their calls or you find an excuse to not meet them or make plans together. All of these are signs that your friendship is dying a slow death.

3. There is constant jealousy


Occasional jealousy is understandable. After all, we are human. But if you are constantly jealous of your friend, or they of you, the friendship is no longer healthy. It could be because of a job, how much you or they are earning, romantic relationships, or something else entirely. If jealousy starts to constantly mar your friendship, then it is a good idea to end it.

4. They don’t have any time for you

If your friend constantly tells you they have no time to meet you because they are busy, but yet you see them hanging out with other friends, it’s time to step back.

5. They aren’t around when you need them the most


True friends are around to support you when you are going through the most critical stages of life. Be it losing a loved one, or finally getting the job you always dreamed of. But if you increasingly see that your friend no longer makes it to you when you need them the most, that is a blatant sign of a dying friendship.

6. Conversations don’t flow as easily as before

Do you feel like your conversations have become one-sided? While you keep talking, your friend only gives you an uninterested ‘Hmm’, ‘Yeah’, or something like that? Are you the only one excited to share things about your life while they either don’t bother reaching out to you or aren’t interested in your life anymore? Well, it’s time to call it quits.

7. It feels like a one-way street


If you are the only one taking any initiative in a friendship, it’s not going to survive much longer. Are you the only one trying to initiate a conversation or make plans together? Are you the only one sharing everything with your friend while they barely react to your news? It’s a sign your friendship is dying.

8. They break your trust

There is no coming back from broken trust. Even if you manage to forgive them, the fear of being heartbroken again can persist. It could be your friend getting together with your partner, making you feel like you aren’t enough, badmouthing you in front of others, spilling your secrets elsewhere, or even using your secrets against you to harm you.

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