Getting over a relationship that made you feel like you were on cloud nine is far from easy. A nightmarish relationship is equally difficult to recuperate from, but the good ones have you reminiscing, wondering if you can return to the good old days. If you find yourself being attracted to your ex or are thinking of getting back together, hold up. You need to consider certain things before running back into their arms ’cause going through all that trauma again is just not worth it. So, to answer your question, ‘Should I date my ex?’, here’s a quiz you need to take first.

Related: Is Your Ex Over You? Take This Quiz And Find Out

should i date my ex quiz

should i get back with my ex

is it okay to date my ex

should i date my ex

should i date my ex quiz

should i date my ex quiz

should i date my ex

should i date my ex quiz

should i date my ex quiz

Should You Go Back To Your Ex?
It's time for some rekindling


Make sure you don't repeat your past mistakes
Block, mute, and move on

should i date my ex quiz

It's not worth all the pain and hassle

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