Saat phere are an integral part of any Hindu wedding and mark the blissful union of a couple. Each phera is completed by taking a round around the sacred agni or fire. According to the Hindu marriage ceremony, a couple takes saat phere, each having a separate vachan or vow. So, if you’re wondering what they are and what they signify for a married couple, here’s the meaning of saat pheras according to Hindu wedding tradition.

1. The first phera is a prayer for nourishment
In the first phera, the groom promises to provide food, shelter, and keep his wife nourished and fulfil his responsibilities towards her. The bride, in return, promises to share responsibilities equally with him and both vow to take care of each other.
2. The second phera is a prayer for well-being
The second phera, according to the Hindu wedding rituals, is a prayer to god for the spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being of the couple. As they take a round around the sacred fire, the bride and groom promise to be with each other, in sickness, and in health, and be strong for each other.
3. The third phera is a prayer for prosperity
The third time the couple takes a phera, they pray for material and immaterial prosperity and wealth from the almighty to lead a comfortable life. Along with this, they pledge their loyalty towards each other.
4. The fourth phera is a promise to love and respect each other’s families
As the bride and groom are joined together in a blissful union, the fourth phera makes them vow to love and respect each other and their new families. They shall respect and accept each other’s families as their own, and always treat them as they would treat their respective families.
5. The fifth phera is a prayer for noble children
The fifth phera is a prayer to bless the couple with noble and healthy children. Along with that, they promise each other to give their children a humble and righteous upbringing.
6. The sixth phera is a prayer for a peaceful and healthy life
In the sixth phera, the couple asks the almighty to bless them with unwavering health and peace to lead their lives and be there for each other throughout. They pray to be protected from any misfortune or harm and also promise to protect each other.
7. The seventh phera is a prayer for togetherness and companionship
The last phera is a prayer to bless them with companionship, togetherness, and a friendship for lifetime. They pledge to uphold and carry on their relationship with loyalty and understanding. And they promise to be by each other’s side through thick and thin, as they embark on this journey together.
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