Cheer up, lovelies. Bright summer days are here to bring you peace, joy, and beer pong sessions. Here is what your horoscope for March 15-21 says.

1. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Dear Aries, all this busting your ass to impress people isn’t healthy, but it is definitely working. Everything you have wanted is going to come to you this week, whether it is that gorgeous denim outfit, peach iced tea, or healthy skin. So, cheer up because I see a lot of drama and fun heading your way. But I also want to warn you to be in control of your feelings this week. You don’t want to end up spilling too much and making the other person run for the hills.

AAE Pro Tip: Slap on a layer of sunscreen and moisturiser, your skin will thank you.

horoscope for march 15-21


2. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

You really think you are working your way through things, but from what I see, you are just lying in bed, doing practically nothing. And the horoscope for March 15-21 asks you to turn your thoughts into action, so get out of bed and into the shower. The whole ‘I will be MIA till someone starts to miss me’ is getting kind of pointless because it’s been a week and you’ve barely got any notifications. Maybe it is time to change track and get on board with new, healthier ways of making people miss you.

AAE Pro Tip: It’s time to post some of those thirst trap pictures, that is the only healthy way of getting some attention.


3. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Dear Gemini, I know it’s been a rough couple of days, but don’t worry, your misery ends this week. Looks like the stars are in the mood to bless you with some good times with your bae. And if you are single, maybe sign up for a dating app? Whichever it is, the horoscope for March 15-21 ensures a steamy time ahead, so be prepared. Keep that laptop aside because you need to pay attention to other things. Also, are your friends acting a little suspicious? Maybe you need to dig up some dirt because I see some hot piping tea around the corner.

AAE Pro Tip: Use your genius manipulation skills and that perfect fake smile to get all the dirty information you need.


4. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Is it possible that you are crushing on someone new this time? Well, that is a good change and something you should definitely pursue. Behave considerately towards them rather than being a total jerk because that will just push them off the edge. The horoscope for March 15-21 asks you to set your priorities straight because this fucking around ain’t your thing. So, focus on what makes you happy and grow, and let the universe manifest your wishes.

AAE Pro Tip: Cancelling on your friends might cost you heavily, so think of a backup plan before ditching them.


5. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

You have been kinda lowkey all week long and avoiding trouble. Good job, Leo! You have finally learnt the secret of maintaining peace in your love life by avoiding your partner altogether. While that might not be the best way, it is certainly effective. You are making your partner go crazy and, let me tell you, in a good way. All that playing around and letting your ego shine through might earn you sexy times with bae this week. And might I suggest trying something wild like BDSM? Because you can totally get away with it since your partner is in the mood.

AAE Pro Tip: Stop watching Splitsvilla, watch Fifty Shades if you actually want some inspiration.


Related: Planning To Try A Little BDSM? Here Is A Beginner’s Guide To Help You Sail Smoothly

6. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Well, well, well, looks like someone has managed to impress their boss and get back in their good books! I knew you could do the impossible and do it with ease because you are a natural, my love. The horoscope for March 15-21 asks you to lead the way ahead, so use both your mind and your heart. This also reminds me, all this getting ahead at work might have left your bae feeling a little left behind. And do you know what makes for a great gesture of romance? Cooking some dinner, lighting up the fancy candles, and enjoying each other’s company. So, are you ready for a lit week ahead?

AAE Pro Tip: Try some one-pot recipes if you don’t wanna be stuck in the kitchen all day and still impress bae.


Related: Delicious And Easy One Pot Recipes For A Relaxed Dinner At Home

7. Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Looks like you have finally put a troubled week behind you and are ready for the next one to start! Don’t worry, Libra. This week looks promising with a lot of time to self-analyse and work on yourself. The horoscope for March 15-21 asks you to release your frustration and stress because it is not doing you any good. So, whether it is beer pong or paintball that helps you blow off some steam, get on with it. Don’t sit back in front of your laptop and burn yourself out. This week is all about chilling and giving zero fucks!

AAE Pro Tip: Call up some loved ones and ask them to join you in your blowing-off-steam session. The more, the merrier!

horoscope for march 15-21


8. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

The horoscope this week asks you to pay attention to the things that matter. Don’t overthink the rest. You need to break the monotony because that is what is making you emotionally exhausted. And maybe the continuous bickering with bae as well. You need to vent out your emotions because you have bottled them up for quite long. And if you don’t want things turning ugly with certain people, it is always good to speak up. Focus on communicating and winning things rather than keeping mum and suffering in silence. That isn’t your vibe, Scorpio!

AAE Pro Tip: Keep some alcohol handy because you will need your guts all charged up for this week.


9. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Have you finally made peace with your pals or are you still holding a grudge against them for not inviting you to the Netflix party? Dear Sag, you need to stop letting petty things bother you and have a strong head about things. But that doesn’t mean that you don’t take revenge on those fools. It is time for payback and to let people know that no one should mess with you. So, host a Netflix party all by yourself this week and change the password to your shared account. That will teach your friends who the boss is and get you invites to all the cool parties, along with the Netflix ones as well.

AAE Pro Tip: You know what goes well with a Netflix party? A sundae for two, just for yourself.


10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Just because you love someone, it doesn’t mean you let them walk all over you, dear Cap! This week, it’s all about taking some hard decisions and letting people know their place. You simply can’t sit and sulk because people are stupid. You stand up for yourself and don’t let anyone behave like a jerk, even if it means putting your foot down. Sometimes, you gotta do it for your own self, boo. And you know what will make it a little easier to deal with? Chocolate muffins! Order some from your favourite bakery and start working on your plans for setting people straight.

AAE Pro Tip: Communication may be the key, but ignoring someone till they question their own existence is more like you.


11. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

I remember mentioning taking a break, but I believe the break has lasted for a while now. You need to get your head back in the game, dear Aquarius, if you don’t wanna lose. So, the horoscope for March 15-21 asks you to cut down on all the distractions and solely focus on your work. Great results await you only if you are patient and hard-working enough to earn them. Cancel all party plans because the only party you need right now includes you, your desk, and your laptop. And maybe some biryani to get you through it all, so order an extra portion to treat yourself.

AAE Pro Tip: Don’t slack now when the goal is so near. Once you’re done, you can pawri like hell!


12. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Don’t be sad that the birthday season is coming to an end. You had a good time and now it is time to get back on your feet, dear Pisces. Don’t worry, you will make it through if you keep a straight head and steer clear of any gossip this week. You don’t want to end up in the middle of a controversy because that is the last thing you need right now. This week is a great time to reconnect and get back to some of your old hobbies and brush up on your skills. So, have fun and appreciate the simpler things while they last!

AAE Pro Tip: It’s a great week to invite some friends over for a little painting session and show off your skills!


Have an amazing week, y’all!


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