In the last week of the Gemini season, Cupid is going to emerge in all its glory. So, beware of the incoming romances and indulge at your own risk. Here’s the horoscope for June 14-20!
1. Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Dear Aries, it has been an extremely long and lonesome lockdown. But it looks like Cupid is finally going to visit your forbidden door. And even though you are not the easiest to crack, Cupid has some tricks up his sleeve, so prepare to be awestruck. It’s finally time to break the cycle of trash and toxic lovers and indulge in healthy and happy relationships (or hookups). Also, the weekly horoscope asks you to call and check up on your friends and not be a busy, mean, and pretentious bitch!
AAE Pro Tip: Switch up your behaal and bardbaad state of life to bougie and badass this week!
2. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Your energy is through the roof and your mood is extremely delightful. What’s the cause of these uplifted spirits? Is it a work thing, or did someone just meet the love of their life? Whichever it is, you are definitely going to be enjoying the upcoming week and no one can rain on your parade. It is time to get up on your feet and put in the hard work if you want to reap the rewards from it. And don’t let small setbacks deter you from the bigger picture. You’ve got this, Taurus, the universe will manifest your wishes this week!
AAE Pro Tip: It is time to slide into DMs and be active on dating apps because you need to play your own matchmaker sometimes.
3. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Managing duality, weighing decisions, and having a tough time making up your mind aren’t new things for you. But keeping things on hold and hoping for the answers to magically come through is very unlike you. If there is something that needs to come to a conclusion, don’t postpone it because it might slip away soon. Sit down and start solving the puzzle if you want clarity and don’t want to feel impatient all the time. Your birthday season will allow you some insight, so put it all behind you and step up, Gem!
AAE Pro Tip: Getting active on your socials is a good way to let people know that you are back in business, bb!
Related: Dare To Date A Gemini? Here’s All The Sauce On This Air Sign Before You Take The Leap
4. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
The horoscope for June 14-20 comes bearing some advice for you, dear Cancer. Not that you aren’t a good listener, but sometimes, you just get hung up on your own opinions. And that can lead you to misunderstand the other person and turn a conversation into an argument. So, if something comes up this week, you need to be a little more compassionate than just being all ears. Maybe open up your heart and understand what the other person is trying to tell you. Not everything is conveyed through words, so pay attention this week.
AAE Pro Tip: Stay away from your mom’s precious crockery in case your patience wears out this week.
5. Leo (July 23 – August 22)
I always knew you were a drama mama, but what’s with playing the jerk these days? Ghosting your toxic partner is one thing but ghosting your close friends is straight-up rude. You really need to get your act in place if you want to keep the peace in the coming weeks. But if you have missed your dramatic ass life, play your cards at your own risk. I must warn you, the horoscope for June 14-20 asks you to not mess up because that could lead to a permanent rift with your close ones.
AAE Pro Tip: Some things and people are clearly more important than your ego, so shove it in the closet for this week.
6. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Looks like a certain someone has been keeping you up all night. Now, I don’t mean to pry or discourage all the love, but you really need to start worrying about your dark circles. It’s all fair in love, but dark circles and a bad sleeping schedule are hard to fix, so be mindful of it. But other than that, this is the perfect time to indulge in some self-love and be around your fam, friends, and late-night lover(s). Don’t beat yourself up too much and let loose this week. Gemini season is blessing you with good times ahead, just remember to nap in between and you’ll be okay!
AAE Pro Tip: Plan a long drive with your friends this week…to a vaccination centre!
7. Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Following a routine is a good way to keep things flowing, but sometimes, it can get monotonous and boring. And this week, you need to switch up your routine that is scheduled to the T. You need to be a little flexible, Libra, and pick up things that challenge you. The horoscope for June 14-20 predicts some creativity and innovation on the cards, so be a little excited. Maybe taking a break and getting some sun will help you reschedule creatively. So, add a little cooking, painting, dancing, or even having a concert all by yourself to your to-do list this week.
AAE Pro Tip: Tone down the eye rolls and judgemental behaviour and give people a chance this week.
8. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
It’s good to see that you have finally started turning your ideas into actions (even the dirty ones, hmm!) Good for you, honey, because I love how fuelled and driven you are this week. Channel your energy into your work, but don’t be hasty. You don’t want to spoil something just because you are way too excited about it. Let’s stay calm and focused this week and keep up the good work both personally and professionally. Intimacy and passion are playing tango, so you better have some fun while you can!
AAE Pro Tip: Keep your bae at bay during work hours if you want to get things done.
9. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Looks like love is in the air and you have a double mask on! Maybe it is time to breathe in some fresh romance because you could really use it. Ignoring potential partners is becoming a stale, old concept, so stop it. If you really want to invest your time and emotions in someone, this is the perfect time to start looking for this person. Maybe they’re just around the corner or have been by your side all along. Stop playing oblivious if you don’t want to end up living with a cat alone!
AAE Pro Tip: Before you dive into the world of dating apps, learn to reply to all those unattended WhatsApp texts.
10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
You have been living in your own little bubble of anxiety, odd hours of work, and pathetic sleep and eating schedules. The horoscope of June 14-20 asks you to take a break and do your own thing for a bit. You really need to let go of the constant need to be perfect and have everything done in time. Because being a workaholic and drowning in work are two very different things. Get your concepts straight this week, discipline yourself, and take out some quality time to do the things that you like.
AAE Pro Tip: Focus on doing things and people that you like for a fun change!
11. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
What’s with you and emotions, dear Aquarius? Why are you so scared of opening up to people emotionally? Because not everyone you meet is going to rip your heart out and squish it like slime. Stop acting so distant and giving people your cold-ass attitude. If you really want something to last long, you need to show a little compassion and be emotionally available for others. Leaving people high and dry might sound cool to you, but in reality, that is one of the biggest turn-offs. So, make your choice wisely and stop hiding your emotional side in a tower like Rapunzel, princess!
AAE Pro Tip: Be your own knight in shining armour and stop waiting for others to rescue you!
12. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Dear Pisces, there is an entire world that exists outside of your phone, so maybe try experiencing that sometimes. Your screentime is going off the charts lately, and the horoscope for June 14-20 asks you to take a break. You need to do a digital detox and reconnect with people in person. This whole virtual phase is taking a toll on you, so go outside and take a walk. That just might give you a fresh perspective on how to be more productive without involving screens all day long.
AAE Pro Tip: Take on more physical activities that help you connect with real things and people around you.
Have a crazy week, my lovelies!