It’s time to manifest your wishes, be it your crush or that new job you’ve been eyeing. And Aquarius season just rolled in, so wish away, babies! Here’s your horoscope for January 23-29.

1. Aries (March 21–April 19)

Looks like you’re on a bumpy ride and smooth sailing is nowhere in sight for now. Well, no one could have thought of it except you because you knew what you were getting yourself into. But now that you’re knee-deep in this, the only thing you can do is get yourself out of it. And if you need a hand, just ask for it because doing everything on your own will only slow you down and frustrate you more. Don’t be so fussy and just learn to emote better.

AAE Pro Tip: The best way to get out of a tricky situation is to not put yourself there in the first place.


2. Taurus (April 20–May 20)

A colleague of yours has some really juicy gossip, so don’t skip work this week at all. Things are turning around and you don’t wanna miss out on all the fun and drama. And speaking of fun and drama, did you finally turn the tables in your love life? Because the horoscope for January 23-29 brings pretty decent options for you to consider. It doesn’t have to be a full-on commitment, but a coffee date couldn’t hurt you or your pocket, so keep an eye on your DMs.

AAE Pro Tip:  An old flame might try to spark a fire. Arm yourself with a large jug of water.

horoscope for january 23-29

3. Gemini (May 21–June 20)

Things are going to be falling in place for you, Gemini, embrace the Aquarius season with open arms. It brings a new wave of inspiration and is all set to charge you up for the coming month. And this is a good time to set some boundaries in your personal life as they will only benefit you. Having some ground rules with your partner can also help in keeping your equation smooth and make you both feel heard and acknowledged.

AAE Pro Tip: The week calls for some mutton biryani, and if it is in your horoscope, who are you to fight it?


4. Cancer (June 21–July 22)

My darling crab, the horoscope for January 23-29 asks you to take shelter in your shell and do some thinking. There’s a lot going on, and your plate is kind of overflowing at the moment. And if you think about adding some more, it will only spill. So, why not start clearing your thoughts, clearing the air, and a bit of your wardrobe too? Because that will give you a little clarity and make you feel a bit more in control of your life and yourself.

AAE Pro Tip: Aquarius season might get a little too breezy for you, so hold your ground and try not to get blown away.

horoscope for january 23-29

5. Leo (July 23–August 22)

You’re feeling the feels and talking the talk, which means you’re kinda on the right path. The horoscope for January 23-29 is letting you off the roller coaster, so sit down and don’t try anything too adventurous right now. You need to slow down, look after yourself, and let a sense of normality and calmness wash over you. It is best to stay in the no-drama zone and do your thing because you could really use some time out of the limelight.

AAE Pro Tip: A shot of whiskey with lemon and honey is the cure for a bad throat, bad day, or bad life in general.


6. Virgo (August 23–September 22)

You’ve been living life king size and I couldn’t be more proud of your progress. 2023 is really turning out to be in your favour and all you have to do is stay focused. People will come and go but what will stay with you are your experiences, good and bad. And since you’re not currently making or doing any mistakes (yeah I know you had a scene with your ex), you’re good to go. Just don’t pay heed to what others have to say because, right now, it is all about doing what you want.

AAE Pro Tip: Don’t get too high and bring unnecessary drama to your life in the name of doing what you want.


7. Libra (September 23–October 22)

The horoscope for January 23-29 warns you that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. It looks like Aquarius season is bringing an interesting week ahead for you. There might be times when you’ll be faced with tricky situations, so instead of opting for the silent treatment, be vocal and speak up. Do what you usually won’t do, take the road less travelled, and you’ll be surprised by how much you can achieve effortlessly.

AAE Pro Tip: If a friend needs some relationship advice, don’t judge their pathetic choices, and just play therapist.


8. Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

The horoscope for January 23-29 asks you to stop draining yourself for everyone on the planet except yourself. You’ve been at it nonstop, and if you don’t turn things around, you’ll soon be burnt out. And a burnt-out Scorpio never did any good, so take a break and sit down. Even though a vacation might not be on the cards, you can always take a mental vacation where you simply don’t deal with painful people. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

AAE Pro Tip: Treating yourself to useless things is a sure-shot way to go broke, but at least you’ll be happy about it.

horoscope for january 23-29

9. Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

The week ahead calls for blowing off some steam, so who’s ready to ignore work calls and give fake excuses in the name of self-care? The Aquarius season is getting a little too spontaneous and you could use some spontaneity in your life at the moment. Not everything needs careful evaluation and analysis. Sometimes, a situation just calls for an impromptu yes and bad decisions, because YOLO, baby!

AAE Pro Tip: Your bae is feeling freaky. Show them who runs the freak show and have a blast.

horoscope for january 23-29

10. Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

Dear Capricorn, birthday season is officially over and so are your excuses to spend money recklessly. So, the horoscope for January 23-29 asks you to use your newfound wisdom and make some serious investments. This is about both monetary investments and your personal relationships. So, use this week as a reminder to organise your thoughts and put them into action when you’re ready.

AAE Pro Tip: A little help from here and there could be useful, so be all ears but make your own decisions.

horoscope for january 23-29

11. Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

Happy, happy birthday, Aquarius! You’ve been sitting calmly through the whole Capricorn season, but it is now time to make some noise and go out and have fun. But remember, birthday season is not just about getting sloshed, making bad choices, and spoiling yourself. It is also about showing gratitude to the people who’ve dealt with your stuck-up ass, so get some beers as a thank-you gift and get the party started.

AAE Pro Tip: Making pacts with yourself when you’re high AF never works, so just skip it and save the guilt trip.


12. Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Looks like someone has overworked themselves and drained all their energy even before the new week began. Well, the weekly horoscope asks you to get some rest and indulge in some introspection. And even though Aquarius season has just rolled in, your birthday month is next in line. Better get your sorry ass to bed, get some rest, and think about your plans before Pisces season pops in.

AAE Pro Tip: You know what’s self-care? Ordering in soup and binging your fav shows during work hours.

horoscope for january 23-29

Have a hangover-free week, lovelies!


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