Whether you are celebrating with the gang or all by yourself, we won’t blame you if things get a little out of hand during the holiday season. While we all love a good party, no one loves a hangover the next day. Here are some tried and tested hangover cures and remedies to save you from those nasty headaches and nausea the next morning.
1. Chug that water like you chugged that beer
This is the most obvious and important rule for dealing with a hangover–hydrate yourself. While you might have chugged bucket loads of alcohol, you just need water the next day. As you already know after all the hangovers you’ve suffered, alcohol dehydrates your body in a snap. So, bring it back to life by keeping a bottle handy and having as much water as you can.
2. Hit the snooze button
Partying all day and all night might sound like a great plan but it should come along with snoozing through the next day. Don’t even think of attending that meeting if you plan on staying up all night. You really don’t want to feel sleep-deprived and hungover. Get proper, healthy sleep because that is how you will start feeling human again.
3. Ditch your coffee the morning after
If you think having a steaming hot cup of coffee is going to magically cure your hangover, it’s not going to help. In fact, it might lead to further dehydration making you feel more dizzy and tired. Instead, opt for some energy drinks or lemon water as they’ll help in restoring electrolytes and give you some energy.
4. Start the next day with a soothing cup of tea
Ginger or peppermint tea can really help with nausea and are great hangover cures. These teas help in soothing your stomach and get rid of the constant feeling that you might puke. And since ginger is a great antioxidant, it neutralises free radicals in the body.
Related: Teas To Detox After The Party Season
5. Eat your fruits
One of the best hangover cures is a bowl of fresh fruit. Bananas, blueberries, and watermelon are some of the best options for a hungover breakfast. Bananas are rich in potassium, watermelons have a high water content that helps with dehydration, and blueberries help in fighting inflammation.
6. Don’t skip your meals
You might feel extremely nauseated after a night of heavy drinking and may feel like sticking to just fluids. But if you really want your head to stop buzzing and your stomach to stop acting up, you’ve gotta eat. One of the best hangover cures is to have eggs. You can have them boiled, poached, or in an omelette. Along with that, have a couple of slices of toasted bread, fresh juice, and some nuts. Avoid having greasy or oily food as it will only make you feel worse.
7. Skip the cigs
No matter how much you feel like lighting up a cigarette to kill your hangover, it is not going to help. So, keep your trusty cigarette in the table drawer, and don’t smoke all day. The smoke can make you feel more nauseated and won’t help your cause.
8. Get some air
You need to get some fresh air, so crack open a window or go for a walk. This will help clear your head and also maintain the blood flow in your body. Avoid sitting down or chatting with people and take a small stroll near your house. You know, just in case you need to run back to the loo.
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