Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan was attacked in his home early on Thursday, January 16, morning. It is reported that an unknown intruder tried to break into the actor’s Bandra house at 2:30 am. The intruder was arguing with one of the female members of the actor’s staff. When Saif tried to intervene and pacify the situation, the culprit stabbed him six times, leading to multiple injuries. The actor was then rushed to Lilavati Hospital at 3:30 am.
Saif Ali Khan stabbed: Doctor’s statement
The COO of Lilavati Hospital, Dr Niraj Uttamani has confirmed the severity of Saif Ali Khan’s wounds. “Saif was attacked by an unidentified person in his house. He was brought in at 3:30 am in Lilavati. He has six injuries, two of which are deeper. One of the injuries is closer to his spine. We are operating on him. He is being operated upon by Neurosurgeon Nitin Dange, cosmetic surgeon Leena Jain, and anaesthetist Nisha Gandhi. We will be able to tell the extent of the damage only after the surgery is done”, Dr Uttamani added. The neurosurgery and the cosmetic surgery have been successfully completed and the actor is now out of danger. The doctor revealed that a part of the knife had got stuck inside the actor’s body which has now been removed. He is currently shifted to the ICU where he’ll be under doctors’ constant observation.
Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor’s team’s statement to the public
After Saif’s son Ibrahim Ali Khan and a caretaker took the former to the hospital, their management team released a statement. They have requested the fans and the media to be cooperative and patient as the matter gets investigated.
#SaifAliKhan’s family and team have released an official statement about his current condition.#Trending
— Filmfare (@filmfare) January 16, 2025
More about the police investigation
The Mumbai Police interrogated three caretakers of the Pataudi family to get statements from the witnesses. DCP Dixit Gedam has confirmed that a female employee has also been injured as she was reportedly present at the scene. Encounter specialist Daya Nayak is leading seven teams of Bandra Police Station to get to the root of the incident.
The officers revealed that the intruder who stabbed Saif Ali Khan had broken into the house using an open window. As per the CCTV footage of the building and the 12th floor where the actor and his family live, a suspect was seen running downstairs. Following a thorough investigation, he has now been detained by the police for questioning. However, it’s not yet confirmed if he’s the same person who attacked Saif. The Mumbai Crime Branch and the police are still looking at every possible angle to catch the suspect.
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