India’s Badminton star PV Sindhu tied the knot with her long-time friend and partner, Venkata Datta Sai, in a grand celebration in Udaipur over the weekend. The three-day-long festivities were bright, colourful, and straight out of a movie set. From her sangeet to her reception, Sindhu had seven outfit changes, and you’re not ready for the grandeur. Here are all of PV Sindhu’s wedding looks that will leave you stunned and in awe of the bride.
1. Sangeet ceremony
The bride wore a stunning green outfit for her vibrant Sangeet ceremony from Abu Jani-Sandeep Khosla’s collection. The Mughal-e-Azam-themed ceremony kickstarted the festivities in Udaipur.
2. Haldi ceremony
Next in line, PV Sindhu had a vibrant and playful Haldi where she opted for a white mirror work outfit from AJSK’s line. The bride wore matching floral jewellery to complete her look.
3. Pellikuthuru ceremony
For her Pellikuthuru ceremony, Sindhu wore a traditional red Banarasi saree and emerald jewellery to complement her look.
Related: Sobhita Dhulipala’s Pelli Kuthuru: Do You Know What This Pre-Wedding Ceremony Means?
4. Mehendi ceremony
The bride jazzed up for her Bridgerton-inspired Mehendi and wore a Papa Don’t Preach crop top and sharara outfit to add to the peppy vibe of the evening. She paired it with statement jewellery from Outhouse.
5. Varmala ceremony
On the wedding day, the festivities started with a varmala ceremony. PV Sindhu chose a red lehenga created by none other than the iconic Sabyasachi.
6. Wedding ceremony
For the wedding ceremony, the bride wore a stunning signature Manish Malhotra handcrafted tissue saree. She also wore uncut diamonds and Zambian emeralds from MM’s jewellery line.
7. Reception
PV Sindhu’s reception look was created by ace designer duo Falguni and Shane Peacock. The signature off-white lehenga looked stunning paired with diamonds and emeralds and brought out Sindhu’s bridal glow.
Here’s wishing a lifetime of love and happiness to the newlywed couple.
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