Perilloor Premier League is the latest Malayalam web series to hit Disney+ Hotstar. A situational comedy set in the rural village of Perilloor, the series stars Nikhila Vimal, Sunny Wayne, Vijayaraghavan, and Ashokan among others. Written by Deepu Pradeep, the series tells the story of Malavika who unexpectedly becomes the village Panchayat President against her will and and other eccentric residents of the Perilloor village. Here’s our review of Perilloor Premier League.
A political satire that tickles your funny bone
The series starts with Malavika (Nikhila Vimal) sharing her one-sided feelings for her ex-classmate Sreekuttan (Sunny Wayne) when he comes to her house for a matrimonial alliance. She believes he too likes her, so when her uncle Peethambaran (Vijayaraghavan) comes to her with an offer to nominate her for the Panchayat elections at Perilloor, she agrees. While Malavika is completely uninterested in standing for the elections or winning it, she ends up winning the elections much to her chagrin.
Perilloor Premier League is not about one single person, but rather the eccentric villagers of Perilloor. From ‘Keman’ Soman, ‘Psycho’ Balachandran, ‘Kozhi’ Sundaran to ‘Thiruvaanam’ Babu, the series is full of quirky people who get caught in the oddest of situations. For the villagers, a fire truck coming to their village is a bigger cause of celebration than rescuing a man who fell into a well. From one of Sreekuttan’s employees constantly making stupid spelling mistakes on banners and posters, to Peethambaran’s constant machinations to ensure he continues to be the ruling party in the Panchayat, each episode is filled with humour and light-heartedness.
Perilloor Premier League is a fairly good political satire that sheds light on malpractices like faking votes and embezzling money from a political party. It even manages to tickle a funny bone in what should have been an emotional scene of people visiting a mourning household and paying their respects to the dead.
If you are looking for a humourous, family watch, all seven episodes of Perilloor Premier League are now streaming on Disney+ Hotstar.
Can you watch Perilloor Premier League with family?: Absolutely. If everyone is okay with a laughter-induced stomach ache, that is.
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