Memes on Sharmaji ka beta are probably some of the most popular millennial jokes in India. It’s a name you’ll find in abundance in every north and central Indian city. However, it’s not the most common surname in India. Surpassing all others, the most common surname in this country is Devi.
According to a recently released report on surnames across the world, NetCredit noted Devi as the most common surname used in India. Interestingly, another Indian surname, Kumar, also features on the map, but it’s nowhere close to India. Kumar is the most common surname in Fiji. According to NetCredit, Indo-Fijians account for nearly 40 percent of the country’s population. Click here to see the map of the world’s most common surnames.
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Other popular surnames in India and the world
Another popular Indian surname, Singh, is the 9th most common in the world. Other South Asian names in the 30 most common surnames in the world include Khan and Ali, which are also popular in other parts of the world.
The methodology used to determine the most common surnames in the world was a complex, detailed one. NetCredit used information from various sources, like the census surveys of various countries, genealogy portal Forebears, and a number of other sources across the world.
Among the other popular surnames in the world, according to Forebears, the most common is Wang, followed by Li, Zhang and Chen. The US, UK, Canada and Australia share Smith as the most common surname in these countries.
While surnames have been around for centuries, they were first used in China in 2852 BC. The practice gradually made its way to Western Europe with a growing population and a need to be able to tell families apart.
P.S we know you’re still wondering about Sharmaji. That’s the 105th most common surname in the world. Click here to know where your name features on these global rankings.