The Virgo season is asking you all to get organised, make some serious future plans, and take a slow approach to important decision-making. Here’s your horoscope for September 4-10.

1. Aries (March 21–April 19)

You need to start paying attention to your daily routine and the kind of patterns you’re falling into. You’re usually not the kind to fall off the wagon too much, but I’m seriously concerned about you. A little self-check, some expensive iced coffee, and quality time with yourself planning things in a more organised manner are on the cards this week. So, start taking yourself seriously and stop being so sloppy about things.

AAE Pro Tip: Binging all night and snoozing through work hours isn’t a good lifestyle choice.


2. Taurus (April 20–May 20)

Been feeling a little unproductive and uninspired lately? Well, we all have our weeks and it looks like the horoscope for September 4-10 is bringing some changes. You might just bag a new and exciting project at work that will finally motivate you to show up on time and not hate your life. And if your luck doesn’t run out, you’ll be asked out by someone right up your alley for a change. So, keep your fingers crossed, and don’t procrastinate.

AAE Pro Tip: A BFF can be in crisis. Pick up if they call and don’t pretend you missed it. Everyone knows you’re on your phone all day.

horoscope for september 4-10

3. Gemini (May 1–June 20)

Like it or not, Gem, you can’t avoid your nosey relatives this week. Yeah, they aren’t even gonna have the courtesy to call and ask about your plans. They’ll just show up unannounced. So, thank your horoscope for giving you a warning to go MIA and not respond to any doorbells without peeping first. You can even put a small ‘Do Not Disturb’ on the door to help your case. And don’t feel guilty, it’s all to keep your mental health intact.

AAE Pro Tip: Unexplained rishtedaars are unwelcome, but the same rule doesn’t apply to your friends.


4. Cancer (June 21–July 22)

Looks like someone is dreaming of a pleasant vacation somewhere in the mountains and freezing to death. But, Earth to Cancer, ’cause it ain’t happening just yet. Yes, you can go ahead and plan a long weekend this week but first, you need to sort all that raita you spilt at work. Who asked you to go to your supervisor and treat them as your unpaid therapist and rant all about the work environment? Babe, now how are you going to be able to pay for your actual therapy?

AAE Pro Tip: A vacation definitely sounds good to escape the living horror that is your routine right now.


5. Leo (July 23–August 22)

The horoscope for September 4-10 is asking you to shift gears in your relationship and stop playing on the back foot. Yes, all that sweet romance and flowers are good, but are you really serious about where you are headed with your partner? Well, the Virgo season is asking you to shed some light on your equation and discuss where you want things to head. Being led on or leading the other person isn’t a great plan, so buck up and give it an actual thought.

AAE Pro Tip: This week is all about nurturing your personal equations and ignoring your pain-in-the-ass boss.

horoscope for september 4-10

6. Virgo (August 23–September 22)

Things are lit in the Virgo HQ just as they should be! Birthday season is all about having fun and discovering how pricey dinners and drinks are, especially if you’re doing too many pre-birthday scenes and treating yourself. So, I say, let others treat you to free margaritas because, baby, you’re gonna go broke at this pace. You’re known for being organised, sensible, and financially wise, so it is time to live up to your reputation.

AAE Pro Tip: Having cheesecakes has nothing to do with being financially wise. Some things are just for the heart. 

horoscope for september 4-10

7. Libra (September 23–October 22)

You’re in the mood to shake things up and get a little experimental with your approach towards people and things. I’m not sure it will guarantee success, but anything and everything is worth a try if you think it could work for you. But I would also like to remind you to not overdo anything and keep experimenting. Don’t get fixated on something too much, keep it easy and breezy.

AAE Pro Tip: While you’re at the experimenting thing, switch up your dating preferences for a change too. 


8. Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

The horoscope for September 4-10 is asking you to step up and solve all the dilemmas that have been eating you up. You’re not a fan of being in the grey zone, and this week, you gotta do something about it. How about adding a little spontaneity to your routine and surprising yourself as well? It doesn’t mean you have to stray from your pre-planned calendar, but sometimes, even you can do without timelines.

AAE Pro Tip: Skip the DTR talk with you boo if you’re not prepared for some serious sit-down conversations. 

horoscope for september 4-10

9. Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

Is something causing a little unrest, my dearest Sagittarius? Maybe you are in need of a change or you need a little something to uplift your mood. So, how about getting a haircut, buying yourself a whole new wardrobe, or day drinking at work? You’ve got plenty of options to consider, you’re feeling energetic, and I don’t really see any hiccups in your plan to entertain yourself. So, what are you waiting for? Get, set, go.

AAE Pro Tip: This doesn’t seem like a week to waste your hard-earned money, practise your sad face and get your dad to pay for stuff. 


10. Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

Earth to Capricorn? What’s gotten you so salty, my love? Seems like you were having a good time, and then boom, mood swings! Well, you’ve got quite a week coming up and it would be best to not indulge in your overly complex thoughts on life. So, how about we go make ourselves a great cup of coffee, blow on it before sipping to avoid burning that sharp tongue, and be bright and hopeful about what’s coming next?

AAE Pro Tip: Create a budget and then try hard to stick to it. Unless you are in the mood to treat yourself. 


11. Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

You are finally feeling the good vibes and calm energy kicking in, all thanks to the Virgo season. And your urge to tidy up and get your life in order is stronger than ever. So, how about you do some actions to match your motivation while it still lasts? Throwing your whole wardrobe on the ground in order to declutter and losing interest halfway is way worse than having a messy cupboard. Plan wisely and commit to it.

AAE Pro Tip: Speaking of committing to things (don’t get me started on people), how’s your workout routine going?


12. Pisces (February 19–March 20)

A lot has been happening around you, Pisces, and you need a little time to process it all. So, this week, even though you’ll have your hands full, try taking out some time for yourself. It’s going to be a busy week, but you’ll be able to catch a few moments of family time to bond and have a little fun. Focus on finding the right balance so that you are able to deal with things and people efficiently and also not end up draining yourself in the process.

AAE Pro Tip: Learn to say NO when someone offers you a dessert after every single meal of the day. 

Pasta doesn’t fill you up with carbs, it fills you up with love. Go on, order some. Have a lovely week ahead!
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