The Cancer season asks you to pay attention to your words this week as they can be easily misunderstood and create problems. Here’s the horoscope for July 18-24.

1. Aries (March 21–April 19)

The horoscope for July 18-24 asks you to stop putting your emotions on the back burner and act upon them. You’re feeling a little experimental and spontaneous and this could be a really good thing for you, Aries. So, whether it is your personal affairs or work affairs, bring that attitude in for a delightful change. Stop shying away and put your desires and ideas on the table because your creativity will be rewarded this week. And talking about rewards, your bae is going to be up for some in kind.

AAE Pro Tip: Focus on what or who makes you feel good and work towards maximising the pleasure.

horoscope for july 18-22

2. Taurus (April 20–May 20)

Dear Taurus, this is a great week to have some important conversations with your friends, family, lover(s), and even colleagues. You’ll be feeling chattier than usual and having some one-on-one conversations about your thoughts and feeling with the right people can do you good. The Cancer season gives you a nudge to put yourself out there and stop worrying about sounding too desperate or vulnerable. It only helps you heal and make you more powerful, so use your words to express your true feelings.

AAE Pro Tip: A get-together is on the cards this week, so take your charming personality and sense of humour along.

horoscope for july 18-24

3. Gemini (May 21–June 20)

Looks like someone is going to earn some extra bucks this week, Gemini. Your finances will be improving, all thanks to clearing your shopping cart. So, don’t feel sad if you didn’t throw your hard-earned money in a ditch this sale season and be proud of how strong you are. The horoscope for July 18-24 asks you to pay attention to any new opportunities coming your way that could prove beneficial. Don’t turn down anything till you’ve at least done your homework on it. The Cancer season is raining luck on you this week, my darling Gemini, so don’t be afraid to take some risks.

AAE Pro Tip: Being honest is very different from being brutal, so make sure you pick your words carefully this week.


4. Cancer (June 21–July 22)

You’ve been in and out of the spotlight a lot of times this month, Cancer, but people are noticing you this week. So, make sure you are being your authentic self and let people know who you really are without any filters. There might be times this week when people might try to manipulate you into doing things, but you must trust your judgement and do what feels right to you. The birthday season is also giving you a steamy week full of romance and intimacy as it bids farewell, so make the most of it.

AAE Pro Tip: Manifest a fat bank balance this week because the universe is eavesdropping on your wishes.


5. Leo (July 23–August 22)

The horoscope for July 18-24 tells you to get enough rest this week in between your social scenes to keep your battery recharged. You’re exploring and experimenting with your tastes, likes, dislikes, and much more, and that is all leading to your overall growth, Leo. Since birthday season is just around the corner, these lessons will make things more exciting and fun. So, use the time to get yourself a makeover both mentally and physically and focus on bonding with the people around you.

AAE Pro Tip: Things seem to be getting steamier by the end of the week. A little bedtime experiment can take things up a notch.


6. Virgo (August 23–September 22)

The horoscope for July 18-24 predicts a refreshing break in the coming week as you get time to unwind and catch your breath. You’re craving some time for yourself which is essential to work on your boundaries. Use this week to sketch out your plans for the immediate future and how you can achieve your goals. Relationships will also be in the picture, so don’t miss out on some quality time with bae doing your favourite things together. And if you’re single, well, sorry but you ain’t getting lucky this week, lol.

AAE Pro Tip: Be aware of your surroundings and try not to go head first into a wall while texting your crush.

horoscope for july 18-24

7. Libra (September 23–October 22)

Dear Libra, partnerships are a big theme in your life this week, so pay attention because they could prove really beneficial and you don’t want the ship to sail. Your professional and work life are both going through some changes and having the right people around can make the transition easier. There are people who are supporting you, so make sure you are doing enough to make them feel appreciated. Don’t hold back from expressing yourself in any form that you like and let the people around you know that you value and appreciate having them in your life.

AAE Pro Tip: Meet-cutes and date nights are on the cards this week. Don’t chicken out and show up on time.

horoscope for july 18-24

8. Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

How’s your work-life balance, Scorpio? Are you taking out enough time to kick back and chill? Is your partner acting needy and clingy all of a sudden? Are you sure you don’t want to order a whole cheesecake for yourself? Well, there are a lot of questions that need answering this week, so don’t put yourself on DND mode and ignore your troubles. The last week of the Cancer season is here to boost your morale and make you prioritise what’s important. Sit up and maturely call your best friend to bitch about everything and vent for your dear life.

AAE Pro Tip: The social butterfly inside of you is fluttering its wings, so let it out and go have some responsible fun.


9. Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

Looks like someone is in the mood for a change and is craving some new and exciting experiences. Well, there is no holding back a motivated Sagittarius on a mission, so you go, darling! Whether it is exploring a new angle in your relationship or exploring a new bae altogether, you can do whatever you wish this week. Your spontaneity is also taking centre stage but you must keep a little practicality in your pocket before you make any decisions. This is also a great time to make some changes to your work and personal life and free up time to learn new things.

AAE Pro Tip: An ex might be hitting the town this week and might ask you to show them around. Be completely sure about what you do next.


10. Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

The horoscope for July 18-24 asks you to shift your focus from outside to inside and see what is it that you are looking for. Is it a bigger role to fulfil? A higher pay scale? The fear of intimate relationships? How to lose weight even when you eat junk for all three meals? The clarity will come only if you’re honest because you know you can’t lie to yourself. So, be brave and have the talk with yourself and allow yourself time to reflect on what changes can be made.

AAE Pro Tip: Don’t beat yourself up and indulge in some harmless fun once in a while.


11. Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

Things can be a little overwhelming and emotional this week but you must have faith and patience above all. You’re not someone who brings out their emotional side a lot but we all have our days, Aquarius, and you’ll get through it too. Just don’t overthink and procrastinate because that can make things worse. Instead, get out, get some fresh air, meet some friends, and try to calm your mind. Better things are coming for you, my dearest. Till then, be a little kind to yourself.

AAE Pro Tip: Practise deep breathing or pick an old book or series to binge on to comfort yourself.


12. Pisces (February 19–March 20)

The horoscope for July 18-24 asks you to not overdo anything in order to prove something to anyone. And even though you think you can handle the extra work, you don’t need to. Why don’t you use that time doing better things? Like binge-watching shows you’ve already seen 10 times, finally ordering whatever has been in your shopping cart for ages, or trying your hand at cooking something and impressing your fam? The possibilities are endless, Pisces, so take your pick and turn the week around.

AAE Pro Tip: Another way to impress your fam is to order in quietly because how are they gonna know?


Have a lovely week, darlings!


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