Take a dip into your emotions as Pisces season is finally gracing us! You’ll feel more in tune with your needs, wants, and dislikes. Here’s your horoscope for February 19-25.

1. Aries (March 21–April 19)

I don’t mean to crash your party, Aries, but the hot flames between you and your lover might be put out with some icy cold water. Yeah, reality is finally hitting you and you might get a peek into what an actual relationship would look like with your current partner. It’s not always going to be passionate making out, coffee runs, and hot hot flirting. If you’re serious, this is the time to discuss the future which might include your families.

AAE Pro Tip: Don’t freak out seeing how quickly people change colours when something gets inconvenient.

horoscope for february 19-25

2. Taurus (April 20–May 20)

Dearest Taurus, do you really think putting minimal effort into things and people is going to get you far? Unless your definition of far is two steps from your current position, it’s not working. So in case you want people to show interest in you, you gotta do more than texting them a dry ‘wassup’. Similarly, if you want people at work to take you seriously, you gotta show some enthusiasm and be a little more alive.

AAE Pro Tip: Stop chasing old people and habits when you have a chance to begin again.

horoscope for february 19-25

3. Gemini (May 21–June 20)

The horoscope for February 19-25 is here to serve as a reminder of what you are and what you can be. You were meant to achieve great things in life, Gemini. Travel the world, savour different cuisines, and do some rich people shit. Instead, you are sitting at your work desk being a corporate slave reading the weekly horoscope. Let this ignite the fire within you and at least get you to book another vacation, even if it’s a local trip.

AAE Pro Tip: It’s time to heat things up. Challenge your partner to a spicy eating competition.


4. Cancer (June 21–July 22)

Looks like you’ve got something on your mind, Cancer. Now, are you gonna simmer in it like veggies in a stew, or are you going to be a mindful adult and talk it out? Whichever one you choose to do, remember you are writing your own tale. So whether it is a happily-ever-after or a happily-never-after, the situation is totally in your hands. I say take the high road once in life and try leaving the pettiness behind, you might like it.

AAE Pro Tip: It’s time to get vocal. Grab that mic and put on a karaoke night with besties. 

horoscope for february 19-25

5. Leo (July 23–August 22)

My dearest, dearest Leo, how are things going? Has the pace slowed down for you a little? Because the horoscope for February 19-25 is here to get you back on track and help you focus and prioritise certain matters. So, get into your fiery zone ’cause this week means business. Be it a personal opportunity to bring the ball in your court or a lucrative work opportunity that allows you to leave a toxic place, you can have it all.

AAE Pro Tip: Making sure your words match your actions is a good way to kickstart the week. 


6. Virgo (August 23–September 22)

You know you’re allowed to let loose and just sit back and watch things unfold, right? Yeah, I know it gives you the ick to not be in control of everything. But sometimes, it is not about striving for perfection, it is about saving your mental peace. You’ve been doing more than enough in every sphere of your life, my darling Virgo. So, the Pisces season calls for a little detoxing, unwinding, and staying away from people’s whining.

AAE Pro Tip: A trip is on the cards and thankfully, not to the grocery store. Grab this chance, no matter what.


7. Libra (September 23–October 22)

Be a little cautious this week, your words could be easily misinterpreted and your actions could easily offend people around you even when that is not your intention. Basically, being a little more mindful of people is the theme for the week. So, focus on things happening around you and do not react instantaneously. See if something deserves your reaction because everything is not worth paying heed to.

AAE Pro Tip: What you need to pay attention to is the person who is trying hard to pursue you. 


8. Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

How’s all that emotional venting making you feel? I see you’re now putting your energy into being a hot mess rather than just being the usual mess. Well, keep at it, Scorpio, because good things are on the horizon for you. You might be hearing some sort of good news that could totally come out of the blue and make your day. And some major socialising is also happening, so free your calendar accordingly and don’t skip it.

AAE Pro Tip: Everyone deserves a second chance but not those who keep taking your chances for granted. 

horoscope for february 19-25

9. Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

I hate to spoil your party, my dearest, but you might have to give in to things even when you’re not entirely sure of them. But have faith in the people around you to guide you through it and make correct decisions. You’ll need to keep an open mind regarding certain things this week. They might not be your usual cup of tea, but if they’re better for the bigger picture, you’ll find reason soon enough to get along.

AAE Pro Tip: Playing fair is the only way to level up the field, so don’t let your opinions hold you back. 


10. Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

You know that thing you do where you overthink everything for the next five years? Yeah, I need you to tone it down and bring it to maybe five minutes into the future. This way, you’ll be able to save your mental peace and not stress people around you. Either you do something or you don’t. This dilly-dallying isn’t going to do you any good, Cap. So, have faith as things have a way of working out.

AAE Pro Tip: If things don’t go your way, you need to bring out the big guns – emotional blackmail. 


11. Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

Birthday season is finally over and so are your hefty expenses. Well, you can breathe a sigh of relief but I’m sorry that won’t last too long. Things at work are stirring up a storm and I’m afraid you’ll be caught unprepared in the middle of it. Now, you can either play dumb and completely deny any involvement in them or play smart and get along with your team. Just don’t be a snitch because snitches get stitches, baby.

AAE Pro Tip: Remember, being a team player is far more valuable than being the boss’ pet. 

horoscope for february 19-25

12. Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Happy, happy birthday, my water babies! You can finally let go of all those emotions you had been hiding away. It’s birthday season and it’s going to start with things finally happening for you. Whether it’s a work thing or a personal issue that has been stuck in a rut, situations will finally pick up pace as the week proceeds. The horoscope for February 19-25 wants to let you know it’s time to be in charge and show the universe you are capable and deserving of everything that is coming your way.

AAE Pro Tip: Family matters will take centre stage this week, make sure you put up a united front.


If you’ve been thinking of investing, start with investing in skincare. Go nuts. Have a lovely week.


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