How’s your mundane life going so far? Don’t worry, folks. Your horoscope for February promises an exciting time ahead!

1. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Well, well, look at you. You have been glowing with all that clear skin. Looks like someone is having their eight glasses of water a day! Good for you, because that is one thing off your checklist. Coming back to other things, it seems to me that you still haven’t given up on your best friends, Overthinking and Procrastination. But, dear Aries, it isn’t your style to hang out with such toxic friends, so cut them off! You really need to stop imagining stupid scenarios in your head and believing that they are your reality. Suck it up, buttercup, and check this off your list too.

AAE Pro Tip: Stop being a crybaby and punch your problems in their face. Yes, by problems, I mean the actual humans causing them.

the weekly horoscope prediction


2. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

It looks like someone has had a nice weekend! It always makes me so proud and happy when I see you going out and enjoying yourself with your friends. You know, there is no harm in admitting that you actually like doing it. Because, sooner or later, your ‘I’m happy alone’ facade is going to come off. And it is okay if you want to have some fun and keep the work aside, it’s only healthy! Unless you start showing up late at home and hurling your guts out. Now, that is not healthy and definitely not fun. So, your horoscope for February 1 asks you to find the right balance to live your best life.

AAE Pro Tip: Don’t have two plates of biryani for dinner the next time you know you are going to be drinking the night away. Not a good idea.


3. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

I know last week sucked a little, but this one won’t, I promise. I hate to say that, but dear Gemini, you are biting off more than you can chew. And I appreciate your ambitious behaviour, but not at the cost of you going insane and pulling your hair out. Or crying in the bathroom with a tap running. Come on, what did you do to my mean, manipulative, and fun Gemini? Channel that diva energy and get back on your feet this week. Also, a little foot massage, spa, or face mask will help you feel back in your element. You got this sweetie, don’t let 2021 dull your sparkle!

AAE Pro Tip: It is time to binge-watch the classics to get your A-game back on, so get some wine because it is Mean Girls time!


4. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

The weekly horoscope prediction tells me that you have finally found your socially acceptable daily life pattern. And that sounds super fun, at least for now. Because even you know you are a social creature that needs to spread its wings every once in a while. So be thoughtful, but don’t lose out on the fun element. You are and will be a reliable source of entertainment and fun for your friends. And if you feel like taking a break and sharing what’s on your mind, you know the numbers to dial. Don’t lock yourself up, that is not you!

AAE Pro Tip: Maybe a little action in bed will get you through the week, so switch on your gaming console and play Call of Duty.

the weekly horoscope prediction


5. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

If someone knows how to drink their way through life’s troubles, it is you, Leo! You have your way with things, and even though they aren’t always the best, you still somehow manage to pull them off. And that is exactly what I love about your spirit. You have been laying low for quite a while now, so it is only fair to get back up and start sorting your affairs. Go full steam ahead and there won’t be a thing you won’t be able to manage. Use that Leo energy, be the boss of your life, and stop letting your toxic partner run the show for you. It is time to pull back the strings and take your stand.

AAE Pro Tip: Stop eating aloo ke paranthe and hit the gym! Join a boxing class and imagine someone’s face when you punch and kick.


6. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Playing around with someone’s feelings can be a risky game, dear Virgo. Quit being a prick and get your siblings the gifts you promised them. It is high time that you take responsibility for your drunk promises and start fulfilling them. This also implies on calling that cute person that you swiped right on just for a dare. And you really need to stop putting yourself in these weird situations because they will end up getting you in trouble. But for now, fix the damage and get your siblings something before they blurt out all your sneaking out plans. And always remember, you gotta keep your friends close and your enemies closer to have the power over them.

AAE Pro Tip: Want to get out of that unwanted date? Use the classic ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ excuse, it always works.


7. Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Someone has been in a good mood all week long. Well, no one can disturb your fun when you are feeling yourself! Let your spirits soar higher this week because I see some good news coming your way. And not that I’m a fan of spoiler alerts, but your bae is in a really good mood too. So, there might be a chance of a fancy, romantic date for you lovebirds. This reminds me, seize this opportunity and let your boo know of anything that has been on your mind, good or bad. They will be all ears and this will help you double the fun and the romance. Looks like V-day is coming in a little early for you this year!

AAE Pro Tip: Be original and find something purple instead of the usual red for pre V-day celebrations with bae.

the weekly horoscope prediction


8. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Communication is the key, Scorpio. If you think something is up with a certain someone, it is time to spill. You are good at handling these situations now, so use your expertise to help someone feel right. Because vacay time is over and you need to address a cranky partner or an attention-seeking sibling, or both. Prepare for it because your horoscope for February 1-7 wants you to play at the forefront. And don’t worry, you will be rewarded in the form of alcohol, a party, and good food by the end of the week.

AAE Pro Tip: The best way to approach these situations is with a pizza in hand, so order a large one beforehand.

the weekly horoscope prediction


9. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Looks like someone needs to quit acting like a diva! It’s okay if there was a little less salt in the rajma, you can just move your ass to the kitchen and add some. There is no need to act up and start a damn hunger strike! If you really like things so perfect, maybe you should take up a cooking course rather than shouting at your mom. And if you really want to take out some frustration, dump some extra work on your colleagues. At least, that is more satisfying. Take a chill pill, eat some cookies, and deal with the week like an adult!

AAE Pro Tip: You seriously shouldn’t think of baking those cookies yourself. Just order in, like an adult.


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10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Your horoscope for February 1-7 tells me that you are going to have a rollercoaster of a week ahead. You have been pushing yourself, but I’m afraid to say you are doing it too hard. It is good to be determined, but finishing series after series and losing sleep has kinda got me worried. Are you just playing lowkey or is there a storm brewing inside your head that you aren’t speaking of? Either way, you need to address your feelings in a healthier way rather than binging on Netflix or on junk food. So much for being a healthier version of yourself for 2021, huh? Take a break, reevaluate, and then move ahead.

AAE Pro Tip: Take a day off work and use it to sleep all day long. That might reset your stupid system.


11. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

You have been facing a lot of changes lately and I’m happy to see you being so calm and open to them. I mean, if it were my mom keeping my things here and there when I’m not home, I would barely be able to keep my calm. And how are you even able to find the missing stuff and not utter a single word? Because as far as I know, you would have brought hell down on the house by now. Have you really changed or is this just an effect of birthday season? Whatever it is, I’m totally digging the new you, so keep at it!

AAE Pro Tip: Adulting is suiting you, but no one is ever too old to binge Narnia. Start already!


12. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

How’s it going with you? Your horoscope for the first week of February tells me that someone has been having a wonderful time lately. Well, that is exactly what you need, dear Pisces. A little fun time to let your hair down and be your best self. 2021 has got you kicking ass at work and home and being a complete star! And like every other perfect person on this planet, you deserve a little break too. So, gather your friends because the week calls for a games night and sleepover!

AAE Pro Tip: Get that cute nightsuit and look accidentally dressed up for the sleepover!


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Have a crazy week ahead!


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