Sagittarius season brings the big guns and cupid into action so be ready to feel the romance in the air. It’s the perfect time to pay attention to your bae, side chicks, and FWBs. Here’s the horoscope for December 13-19.

1. Aries (March 21–April 19)

Someone has had quite a week it seems. You’ve finally gotten time to clear your head and some time away from your laptop and work. Good for you Aries because now you are ready to begin and embrace the new week. The horoscope for December 13-19 asks to not dive headfirst into work and sketch things out first. You’ve been wanting to bring in some changes in your work life and this is the perfect time to slow down and reflect on those changes. Do only what feels authentic to you and stop playing a corporate puppet and biting way more than you can chew.

AAE Pro Tip: Surprise your sibling with a mid-week pizza party and a movie binge-fest.

horoscope for december 13-19

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2. Taurus (April 20–May 20)

You’re full of energy and confidence this week, Taurus! And that’s exactly what will get you through the upcoming week. So to not feel extremely overwhelmed, I would suggest taking deep breaths and starting off by taking up smaller attainable tasks. You don’t need to take the responsibility of making a whole ass work presentation to impress your boss so don’t get too excited. They see you, so put your best foot forward and present the team with out-of-the-box ideas and get the attention that you seek. And talking about attention, is someone paying too much attention towards an old flame and calling it being just friends?

AAE Pro Tip: Your social life is getting a makeover so get dressed cause it is showtime, darling!

horoscope for december 13-19

3. Gemini (May 21–June 20)

Some serious steam is on cards this week, dearest Gemini, so dip your toe in the fantasy pool cause it is going to get wild. And no matter how far you run away from romance and scrunch up your nose in the name of love, cupid is hunting you. Which reminds me your boss is also hunting you so be prepared. You’ll be given bigger roles and responsibilities this week so pick from the table based on your ability and the time you have on your hands. Family and friends will be demanding your attention too and attending a party with your mailbox open is no fun, so find some structure and balance this week.

AAE Pro Tip: Having vodka shots in one hand and a tall glass of wine in one is the exact balance you’ll need to live through this extremely social week.

horoscope for december 13-19

4. Cancer (June 21–July 22)

Feelings? Emotions? Confrontation? These aren’t foreign terms but looks like you’ve been running far away from them. You might be great at concealing your emotions but what you don’t realise is that you are not giving the other person any thread or hope to hang on to. So this week stop sitting on a see-saw and hopping on the higher side according to your mood. Cause sometimes you’ve gotta stay on the bottom to understand your emotions fully. Try to embrace your close relationships instead of running away from feelings and companionship.

AAE Pro Tip: If there is something you should be running away from, it’s your phone when you are drunk or sad.


5. Leo (July 23–August 22)

The horoscope for December 13-19 tells you to try and treasure every moment you can of the leftover year. This week will be breezing by and you’ll be busy with work, errands, and your social life. But the weekly horoscope asks you to take some time out of your schedule to sit with your thoughts and see where you are going. Being directionless might be fun for a bit but what’s your long-term plan, Leo? Cause you have to be kidding yourself if you keep thinking you’ll see it as it comes. So gather your thoughts and create a plan or structure of what’s going to be your next move and then kick back and chill.

AAE Pro Tip: A little shopping spree is on cards this week but keep asking yourself if you really need something or is it just fancy and looks cute?

horoscope for december 13-19

6. Virgo (August 23–September 22)

Dearest Virgo, actions speak louder than words and your actions seem a little too reckless for your style. You’ve just been acting out without realising what conclusion people might draw out of them. So the weekly horoscope asks you to think before you do anything and understand that the outcomes might not be the most favourable for you. And I’m loving this free-spirited version of you but there’s a difference between being fun and free and being reckless and stupid. So if you don’t wanna fall in the latter category, I suggest you get a grip on your actions and have some responsible fun.

AAE Pro Tip: Take a break from everything and stick to your room and spend some alone time with yourself, your thoughts, and a big batch of brownies.

horoscope for december 13-19

7. Libra (September 23–October 22)

People are looking up to you Libra, so set the right example and be the commendable leader. You’ll be faced with certain dilemmas this week but trust your gut and stick to your decision. Put all your analysis and judgment into the things that you do this week cause they could make or break a deal. And this implies to both your work and personal life. Don’t be hasty and take your sweet time before reaching a conclusion. A lot hangs on what course of action you decide, so pen down everything and do your homework before committing to something or someone.

AAE Pro Tip: A lowkey romance might be brewing from a newfound friendship so explore the idea before discarding it completely.


8. Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

You’ve been living on the edge Scorpio and the horoscope for December 13-19 brings some closure for you. It could be a closure to a person that has been going back and forth or a habit that is holding you back. But letting go is on cards this week Scorpio, so don’t be scared and make your peace. Sagittarius season brings in new work and romantic prospects for you to pursue. So take this week to filter out what and who catches your interest and start with a fresh plan to approach things differently.

AAE Pro Tip: Things might seem uncertain at the moment but there’s nothing that a mug full of coffee and a dear friend can’t help with.


9. Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

Happiest birthday my darling Sagittarius! Looks like cupid did begin his work by hitting you straight and centre cause you just can’t stop dreaming about your new crush. And if you already have a bae, things are going to get steamy real quick. It’s going to be ‘butterflies in your stomach’ kinda romance so be ready to feel all mushy and cute. Your boss will also let you off the hook and be on your colleague’s ass so you can have the time of your life guilt-free.

AAE Pro Tip: The only thing you should be guilty about is not catching up with your best friends and giving them endless excuses.

horoscope for december 13-19

10. Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

Dear Capricorn, bid farewell to the Sagittarius season as birthday month is just around the corner. But you must work before you play so this week will keep you busy in both your work and personal life. You’ll feel like taking up more responsibilities than trying to put down new ideas cause they can be too exhausting. Play with what you know the best and charm everyone around with effortless ease. Talking about charming, how’s your magic working on finding a new boo for you?

AAE Pro Tip: No matter how high the excitement may be, shots are a bad idea this week.


11. Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

Money, love, and friendships will take centre stage in your life this week Aquarius, so sort out your priorities and give equal time to all. Moreover, some socialising and networking can get you far in the game. So keep your communication clear and precise and be up for conversations and debates that might help you discover your potential. The week ahead is going to sail smoothly so worry less, enjoy more, and take your lessons seriously.

AAE Pro Tip: An ex-lover might drop in to see you this week, tag along for some good old fun.


12. Pisces (February 19–March 20)

You’ve seen and learned a lot about people these past few weeks so now is the time to pass your judgment and take a stand on what you believe is right or wrong. Playing on the middle ground isn’t going to save you for long so be firm and call out people’s bullshit straight up. Don’t let anyone sweet talk you into changing your mind or opinion and trust your own judgment this week, Pisces. You’ve gotta call the shots no matter how hard they might seem because that’s the only way to tackle the problems at hand.

AAE Pro Tip: An emotional release is on cards this week so keep a box of tissues and some dark chocolate handy.

horoscope for december 13-19

Have a lovely week my darlings!

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