Let’s all sit down, catch our breath, and stop walking on eggshells around people because earth season is back! So, get ready to sip, spill, and splurge. Here’s your horoscope for April 24-30.
1. Aries (March 21–April 19)
Dear Aries, the Taurus season is giving you a clean slate to make new mistakes and learn from them. But for your own sake, stop repeating the old ones ’cause they’re so not worth it! The earth season brings a welcome departure from constant discussions, planning, and brainstorming. This is a great time to take a chill pill, just be in the moment and not exhaust your brain cells. So, do just that and then plan as you go.
AAE Pro Tip: The universe wants you to buy some fun adult toys and indulge in some DIY.

2. Taurus (April 20–May 20)
Happy birthday, you! Finally, the hot and fiery season is over and you can step out and catch your breath. No one is gunning for your throat anymore as your deadlines have passed. Things are also calming down in your personal life and giving you the time and opportunity to get to know people around you better. Birthday season is the perfect time to make some new friends and more than friends so that you don’t have to spend your big day alone.
AAE Pro Tip: Skip the expensive alcohol, your friends can drink beer and get high.

3. Gemini (May 21–June 20)
You know what, my darling Gem, you need a little fresh start and Taurus season is a great time to do that. Break free from your taxing routine and add things that are therapeutic and help you unwind. This could include trying new things during sexy time with bae, or you could even be your own bae, whatever floats your boat. You could also indulge in a very expensive shopping spree to induce those feel-good hormones. You do you.
AAE Pro Tip: Not asking you to turn into a raging alcoholic, but a batch of margaritas can take the edge off.

4. Cancer (June 21–July 22)
There’s nothing I love more than seeing a crab out of its shell and living its best life! Well, the horoscope for April 24-30 brings you waves of good times and this is just the beginning. You’re finally out and about socialising for a good cause. The good cause is getting out of your bed and not lazing all day in pajamas. Any victory is a victory, no matter how small or big. Celebrate with booze and desserts.
AAE Pro Tip: You don’t wanna make a whole bunch of “happy” brownies in the name of getting high on desserts.

5. Leo (July 23–August 22)
We’re past the fiery Aries season and moving into the neutral and calming earth season this week. And this transition will take off a lot of your stress and restlessness. You’ll have plenty of time to rethink your position on both personal and professional aspects and understand what you can do to move up in the game. You need to vocalise your thoughts and beliefs without holding back. Don’t let yourself feel stagnant.
AAE Pro Tip: A couple of experiences should not be the defining moments for your relationships in the future.

6. Virgo (August 23–September 22)
The horoscope for April 24-30 urges you to stop stressing nonstop over things that aren’t in your control. It is okay to spiral down a little but don’t keep sitting at the bottom of the pit. Get up and find your way back to the top because that is how you function. You need to replan and compartmentalise things, and if I were you, I would already be colour-coding my summer wardrobe in the name of therapy.
AAE Pro Tip: Ring up a friend and make a batch of iced tea. Add some gin, rum, and tequila to make it lit.

7. Libra (September 23–October 22)
Looks like someone is entertaining a newbie, but don’t forget that things are still very new with this bae of yours. You can be a tough nut to crack when it comes to matters of the heart. But the horoscope for April 24-30 is asking you to take your time getting to know this person. It is not necessary to have a romantic equation with them because it can blossom into a great friendship or a very comfortable business alliance. Proceed with caution and don’t let any sky-high expectations be the third wheel here.
AAE Pro Tip: Hustling is good but rest is even better, so take it easy and let things get back in the flow.

8. Scorpio (October 23–November 21)
You know, Scorpio, hide-and-seek might be your favourite game, but this week, you won’t be able to hide because whatever is seeking you is gonna find you. So, I’m just giving you a heads-up. Be prepared for some serious confrontations even when they seem exhausting. Because unless you rip the band-aid off, you will keep living in fear that the wound might start hurting again. So, have some faith in yourself and do what needs to be done in order to get ahead.
AAE Pro Tip: If you don’t have faith in yourself, have faith in your besties to help you make the right choices.

9. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
How are feeling this week, darling Sagittarius? The fire season is over and it is time to get some rest before you get back on your feet. The Taurus season is starting with a lighter routine which will allow you to get some time off while also staying productive on your 9-5. And this is the balance you should be seeking in the coming weeks too. This will also allow you to make some changes in your personal routine and spend quality time with your ride-or-dies.
AAE Pro Tip: You don’t need to live up to anyone’s expectations except your own this week.

10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Hello, you! The horoscope for April 24-30 brings some motivation for you, so you better use this and make the most of your week. And since the earth season is upon us, whatever you do, you’ll be successful in your adventures. Get your pretty ass out of your comfort zone and go beyond it to achieve your goals. The process might become difficult and uneasy at times, but once you put your mind to it, you will be able to get through it.
AAE Pro Tip: Some steamy intimacy is on the cards, play them right and you’ll get what you want.

11. Aquarius (January 20–February 18)
Dear Aquarius, how about we tone down that know-it-all attitude and ask for help when needed? It is really not hurting your ego to get a second opinion on something you are doubtful of. Stop being stuck up and get done with what needs to be done. There is no point in waiting for others to notice and come help you on their own. Be vocal about what you need and the world will be a much better place to live in.
AAE Pro Tip: The world will also be a better place to live in if you stop ignoring all those calls from your situationship.

12. Pisces (February 19–March 20)
There is a lot changing around you, Pisces, and it is best to adapt to change in order to evolve and grow. It might be a little overwhelming at the moment but keep an open mind as it will really help you get a grasp of things. You don’t have to rush into anything, you can move at your own pace and take your time. But don’t keep fighting change, because if you don’t move along, you’ll be ancient and nobody wants that.
AAE Pro Tip: Seek the guidance of someone who has a different perspective and wine to offer.

Have a lovely week, dearies!