Mercury Retrograde is one of the most dreaded phenomena of the cosmos and occurs 2-3 times a year. And while sometimes it can wreak havoc, sometimes it isn’t that bad. This time, it started on August 23 and will end on September 15. So, how is it gonna be this time? Well, the last Mercury Retrograde wasn’t all that pleasant, but this one seems to be pretty decent in comparison. Yes, there will be hiccups in between, but nothing monumental and earth-shattering (hopefully). So, read on to find out about how Mercury Retrograde in August 2023 will affect your zodiac sign.
Related: Mercury Retrograde 2023: Life Is Gonna Get Tough, But Here’s How You Can Survive It
What does Mercury Retrograde mean?
Mercury in retrograde is a time period in astrology transit when Mercury moves slower than Earth around the sun. So, when viewed from Earth, it creates an optical illusion that it is moving backward, hence the term ‘Mercury is in retrograde’. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun and takes about 88 days to complete its way around the giant star, in comparison to Earth which takes 365 days. So, when Mercury is in retrograde, every aspect of life ruled by this planet goes haywire and becomes chaotic. This mostly includes miscommunication, misunderstanding, toxic exes popping in to say hi, delays or chaos in booking flights or planning a vacation, etc. Are you ready for it?
What does Mercury Retrograde in Virgo mean for you?
Last time, Mercury Retrograde happened in Taurus which was pretty chaotic and off. But this time it’s happening under Virgo and thankfully, it is the ruling sign of the zodiac. This means there is less chance of that breakup happening or any further delay in your promotion. Yes, you can breathe a sigh of relief, as Mercury Retrograde in Virgo is way better than the last one. But, Virgo, Gemini, Pisces, and Sagittarius will be more caught up in this retrograde than other signs, so be careful before committing or commenting.
Let’s check out how this retrograde will affect your sign and how you can dodge any mishaps.

1. Aries (March 21–April 19)
You’ve been laying low for a while, and now suddenly, the retrograde is making you want to get back in action. But right now, the best plan of action is to not get too enthusiastic as you’ll only come across as too bossy. And you don’t want your colleagues to team up against you. Yeah, those sad little humans will be waiting for any opportunity to get under your skin. So, you’ve got to walk on eggshells around them and be careful not to get into any drama at work.
2. Taurus (April 20–May 20)
Sweet Taurus, you can breathe a sigh of relief as Mercury isn’t chilling in your zodiac sign. And with Mercury in retrograde in Virgo, you’ll be able to sail through this time smoothly (mostly). But even in your most confident moments, you might feel a shadow of doubt looming over you. And this might hold you back from achieving what you aim for. So, take some breaths and if you’re sure about someone or something, approach it lightly and see where it goes rather than dropping it completely.
3. Gemini (May 21–June 20)
Your snarkiness is a trait everyone appreciates. But, when the retrograde hits, you must control it because this is the perfect time to unintentionally or intentionally offend people left, right, and centre. So, if you don’t want to sit pretty in the bad books of your friends, family, or boss, keep those eye rolls away. Your efforts to communicate will absolutely bomb, so try to keep it as straight and simple as you can.
4. Cancer (June 21–July 22)
While Mercury Retrograde in Virgo isn’t that bad, it is certainly gonna fuck shit up for you if you aren’t careful. Your words can be easily misinterpreted, twisted, and manipulated. So, you better think and filter your thoughts before saying them out loud. And when you’re trying to be jolly and crack a joke, you might actually hurt someone, so be extra cautious, Crabby.
5. Leo (July 23–August 22)
Looks like the Mercury Retrograde of August 2023 is going to hit you where it hurts the most and challenge your patience. Yes, your ego, self-worth, and self-esteem will be given more than a nudge, and how you react in such situations is the actual test for you this time. So, refrain from getting into arguments or proving yourself better than others, no matter how enticing it sounds.
6. Virgo (August 23–September 22)
It’s the Virgo season and Mercury is your ruling planet, so technically, what could go wrong for you? As it turns out, a lot! Your usually witty mouth and sharp-as-a-knife brain will take the brunt of the retrograde period. So, you might miss out on details, be less observant than usual, and might not pay attention to things. Basically, it is time to introspect and not call out others for their flaws.
7. Libra (September 23–October 22)
Mercury in retrograde in Virgo is just not something you’re gonna vibe to, Libra. It is bringing out some buried skeletons from the closet and asking you to burn them to ashes. So, if an ex suddenly pops up or a business rival sets foot in town, you’ll know what you gotta do. And remember, when it comes to a sword fight, you better carry a rose as a peace offering and truly get done and dusted with the problem for your own peace.
8. Scorpio (October 23–November 21)
Your relationships will be highlighted and be the main focus of this retrograde period. This means anything platonic, romantic, friendly, and non-friendly will take centrestage for you, Scorpio. You’ll be able to spot the real intentions of people around you and you better take your time before making any decision. Even if you plan to chuck someone out, or give them another chance, wait for the retrograde to finish.
9. Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)
The Mercury Retrograde in August 2023 wants to remind you that there is always a little more room to perfect your skills. So, even though you are brimming with new ideas, you need to wait before revealing them. There is a chance that you can improve, and this period is all about reflecting on and reviewing things that you have already planned. But acting on them right now might not yield the desired results. So, sit it out this time and work on something that can be ironed out better.
10. Capricorn (December 22–January 19)
Travel and communication are two main areas that will be affected during the retrograde period for you. So, if you have any plans, this is the right time to sharpen your pencil and make detailed notes about every single thing. Your plans may not work out, but being a little flexible can save you a lot of trouble and mishaps. So, double-check everything and lay low, you don’t wanna jinx stuff.
11. Aquarius (January 20–February 18)
Money is on your mind this retrograde and it will affect the financial aspect of your life. So, make sure that you are settling your debts and also remind people who have to pay you back. You need to create an efficient flow of money, so you can balance your credit and debit easily. But don’t take any more money from anyone during this period, not even from your mom.
12. Pisces (February 19–March 20)
There’s a lot of chaos at home suddenly, and it is extremely overwhelming and difficult to find a minute of peace for yourself. Well, Mercury Retrograde is gonna be a little tough to get through, but you’ve got to stay cool and collected. You must pay attention to your communication, as small comments have the potential to turn into full-blown arguments and that’s the last thing you need right now.
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