Your not-so-favourite planet is back in retrograde and it is going to fuck shit up for everyone. So, if you’re already facing trouble in paradise or your money is going down the drain, you know who to blame. The Mercury retrograde is that time of the year when the whole world goes upside down. This happens because the planets decide to play tango. And when they go back and forth, it stirs up drama in your ruling planets and causes chaos. But, thankfully, Mercury will go in retrograde only three times this year and this is the first one of 2023. So, here’s everything you need to know about Mercury retrograde 2023 and how you can survive it.
What does Mercury retrograde mean?
Mercury in retrograde is a time period in astrology transit when Mercury moves slower than Earth around the sun. So, when viewed from Earth, it creates an optical illusion that it is moving backward which is what it means when we say Mercury is in retrograde. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun and takes about 88 days to complete its way around the giant star, in comparison to Earth which takes 365 days. So, when Mercury is in retrograde, every aspect of life ruled by this planet goes haywire and becomes chaotic. And since it rules communication, travel, finance, technology, and information (tea), you have to be extra, extra cautious right now. This Mercury retrograde started on April 21 and will last till May 17, so you might want to practise patience and think before you speak.
What does Mercury retrograde in Taurus mean for you?
Mercury in retrograde affects all zodiac signs differently. And this time, Mercury is in retrograde in Taurus and that couldn’t get any more annoying! Taurus is already a fixed sign and everything that this sign rules will be in trouble. This will include finances, relationships, material possessions, love, beauty, and values. While Mercury retrograde in Taurus will affect the fellow earth signs Capricorn and Virgo the most, it will also hit other zodiacs.
Here’s how Mercury retrograde will affect your sign and how you can survive this dicey period.

1. Aries (March 21–April 19)
The Mercury retrograde 2023 is asking you to keep an eye on your expenses, Aries. Don’t be reckless with your spending. You may feel you have tons to splurge, but if you don’t control it, you’ll have none. So, skip the momos and save those fifty rupees too. And don’t even go window shopping because any thoughts that lure you into the shop are harmful during this period.
2. Taurus (April 20–May 20)
Looks like Mercury decided to pay you a visit during the birthday month but in retrograde. Now, you’ve gotta be careful of what you say and to whom you’re saying it. This is the time when you can easily fuck up your months of mehnat of getting yourself a date or even a promotion. So, use all those brain and mouth filters before you actually address something. Remember, you must have the utmost patience if you wanna live through this.
3. Gemini (May 21–June 20)
Unlike your usual approach to put it out as it is, the Mercury retrograde is going to make you hold back tons of shit. And that’s good because you might be visited by the mistakes of your past aka your exes. Now, you don’t want to entertain them and fool yourself into letting one or two stick around in the name of harmless friendships. This is the Mercury retrograde, anything that looks harmless is just a big fat lie.
4. Cancer (June 21–July 22)
The Mercury retrograde 2023 can easily cause some hiccups in your personal and professional equations, so be on the lookout. You don’t want to be in the middle of anyone else’s drama playing the referee and picking sides. So, be vocal, but be mindful of what you choose to share with people over this period because not everyone is here to play nice.
5. Leo (July 23–August 22)
Work’s on your mind and it should be, Leo. The retrograde in Taurus might seem frustratingly slow to get through, but you can use this time to make new plans and rework your current plans. Your professional life will be majorly affected in this phase and not reacting to everything will help you stay sane. If you’re looking for a new job, hold that thought till we’re past the retrograde.
6. Virgo (August 23–September 22)
Being an earth sign, this retrograde will affect you a lot more than the other signs. And this time around, your communication and travel plans might be affected. So, if you’re planning any trips in the upcoming weeks, ensure you are making all sorts of lists and doing the bookings yourself. Don’t rely on anyone else unless you want to spend your vacay stranded in the middle of nowhere.
7. Libra (September 23–October 22)
Dear Libra, this retrograde is going to be all over your finances and you really don’t want to miss any deadlines. Clear all your dues and be extra cautious with any new financial decisions that come your way. It is easy to be scammed during this retrograde even when you’ve triple-checked every detail. So, get someone to go through all of your records and finances to be sure.
8. Scorpio (October 23–November 21)
My darling Scorpio, even the love gods can’t save your sinking titanic of a relationship during the Mercury retrograde 2023. This planetary chaos is going to be affecting your relationship sphere and there could be some serious trouble in paradise for lovebirds. You seek stability and security in your relationships and that might get a little impossible to find right now which can lead to some tough decisions.
9. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
The Mercury retrograde in Taurus is bringing the focus on your routine and habits, Sagittarius, and things definitely need to change. Sleeping with your makeup on, staying up till late, getting the bare minimum amount of sleep, and eating all that junk is not going to fly in this period. And if you really wanna live through this without guilt-tripping every second, you better change your bad habits.
10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
The retrograde in an earth sign isn’t going to be too bad for you because you are taking it slow already. But it is going to make you look at how you function out of your comfort zone. You’ll feel the push is stronger than ever to be outside your comfort zone and it may feel a bit much, but you’ve gotta get through it. This retrograde is also bringing your attention to how you deal with your personal equations, so take it easy, okay?
11. Aquarius (January 20–February 18)
Your emotions are all heightened during the retrograde and you might feel a bit too uneasy around certain people. This could also include your family members and be an indication that you need some distance from them. The retrograde is pushing you to isolate yourself and rethink your ways of approaching situations and people.
12. Pisces (February 19–March 20)
Dear Pisces, even though you’re quite a flexible sign, this retrograde won’t make it any easier for you to deal with things. You’ll be faced with information and opinions that aren’t really your cup of tea and go against your personal beliefs. But how you react and handle the situation is your real test during this period. Think before you speak and act and don’t make any hasty decisions right now because they are bound to land you in trouble.
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