Aamir Khan is a good actor but he’s a great ex-husband. Every single man in the world should learn how to be a good ex from him. From Reena Dutta to Kiran Rao, Aamir Khan is the only celebrity I know who is not only cordial with his exes but friendly. They can be together at parties and family events without any animosity. They even smile for the cameras happily. Inspirational, no? If you want your exes to say nice things about you, here is Aamir Khan’s rulebook on how to be a good ex.
Change your entire appearance for every relationship
The perfectionist does it for his films, you do it for your relationships. As Aamir Khan’s looks are linked to each film, your look will be linked to each ex. Relationship over, look over. Your exes will never be able to share tidbits about your appearance and each one can think that they had some “special rishta” with you. Also, the really mature ex will appreciate this effort because if the person they fell in love with doesn’t exist anymore, the tears will dry up faster.
Talk about your ex like a normal person
Instead of saying things like, “Uska toh character hi kharaab tha, dekha usko uss ladke ke saath?” or “Bro, she was a crazy chick, bro”, talk about your ex like they’re normal people you liked once. Apni choice ko itna bhi mat koso, bachche. Have some faith in yourself. Be like Aamir Khan. He doesn’t say these things about his exes. If he did, they wouldn’t be showing up to his parties anymore. And they definitely wouldn’t work with him.

Don’t hide your new significant other
Not for too long at least. Keeping your relationship secret is just creepy behaviour, bachche. Why bother dating someone if you can’t flaunt them? Be like Aamir Khan. He didn’t hide his new SO, Gauri Spratt, for too long. In fact, he let the relationship become public after a respectable amount of time had passed since his divorce. I’m guessing he even stayed single for a while to assess his past relationships and become a better partner. That’s a good lesson for all bachchas.
Accept that there’s no going back
You can only be friendly with an ex when you accept that there’s no going back. The relationship ended for a reason, haina? So just accept it instead of sending embarrassing texts that will shatter your self-respect when you read them later. Look at Aamir Khan. He doesn’t clamour, his exes don’t make a big deal out of their breakups. That’s why they’re all so happy, like one big family. I’m not saying you need to do that. Lord knows you and your ex should never be that friendly. What I’m saying is you should not think of going back to the past. Ever.
Have you learnt how to be a good ex yet? Or do you need more lessons, bachche? If you do, I suggest gather your exes in one room and let them tell you everything you did wrong. Don’t forget to call me when you do. I live for such entertainment.
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