Results and rewards of your personal and professional lives are waiting for you this week, so buckle up. Here’s your horoscope for February 14-20.
1. Aries (March 21–April 19)
You are craving a deeper connection with the people around you and find meaning in the equations that you share. Well, the universe is your biggest supporter this week and wants you to go for it. Whether it is a personal relationship or a professional one, it is time to clear terms and define your relationship. There is no time to live in the grey space anymore. Don’t worry, Aries, filter out the extras because your ride-or-dies are more than enough to support you.
AAE Pro Tip: Someone this week is going to give you a hard time, so stay away from your mom.

2. Taurus (April 20–May 20)
Sometimes, we limit our own selves and create boundaries that we are scared to go beyond. And the horoscope for February 14-20 asks you to stop limiting yourself ’cause you are wasting your potential. If your job sucks, just send that resignation. Don’t keep undermining yourself just because you are comfortable with where you are. We all know that you’ve got to come out of your comfort zone to grow. So, if you are waiting for bigger results to come out of your current job, it ain’t happening, babe. Do yourself a favour and find something that is worth your potential.
AAE Pro Tip: Get in touch with your close pals, grab some beer, and have some real conversations.

3. Gemini (May 21–June 20)
If you really want to make something happen, you’ve got to move and put effort into it. Because if you think that daydreaming about things will turn them into reality, I hate to be the party pooper, Gem. Maybe it is time to retrace your steps and do some brainstorming. This will help you to know the direction in which to go instead of fuming over failed attempts. Also, you need to take a chiller approach towards planning things and not lock yourself away to tap angrily on your laptop.
AAE Pro Tip: Use your wit and charm to lure bae into bed and release some of those stress hormones.

4. Cancer (June 21–July 22)
You’re in for a roller coaster as the last week of Aquarius season is bringing in a surge of emotions. But I would suggest you not turn into a hot head and lead with patience. You’ve got to hear what people say in order to understand them and not to snap back at them. So, even though you’ll be in rough waters this week, keep an open mind and try to acknowledge the problems of the people around you. Sometimes, it is best to not react and just let things unfold naturally.
AAE Pro Tip: Let go of things and people that make it hard for you to breathe, think, and stay sane.

5. Leo (July 23–August 22)
You’ve got big plans this week, Leo, and you have the means to achieve those big plans. The horoscope for February 14-20 is shining bright for you in terms of fun times and travels. So, keep your worries aside and get in the mood for an adventure. But I would suggest you not let the smallest of things ruin your mood and make you cranky AF. Take this time to also evaluate what and who makes the difference in your life and adds something to it.
AAE Pro Tip: Make your socials lit and let everyone see you know how to have a fun time!

6. Virgo (August 23–September 22)
The horoscope for February 14-20 asks you to shed your insecurities and stop doubting your mad skills. Maybe it is time to step out a bit and see if you’ve still got game. Whether it is taking up a new challenge at work or going on a blind date, the risks will be worth the rewards this week. A little breather from your monotonous life will help you loosen up and have some unapologetic fun. The last week of Aquarius season is going to be extremely exciting for you, so go and live a little.
AAE Pro Tip: Shift your karaoke session to the bathroom instead of your balcony if you want people to stop giving you death stares.

7. Libra (September 23–October 22)
Dear Libra, this week, you must ensure that your words are followed up by actions and are not hollow. People are counting on you to make some important decisions, so don’t let them down. You’ll have your hands full of work commitments this week, but don’t forget to check in with your personal commitments. Finding a balance between the two will help you establish the boundaries that will keep you going. So, get down to research and find the best course possible before proposing new deals or ideas to people.
AAE Pro Tip: Stop focusing on doing everything at once and maybe focus on doing nothing for a while to clear your head.

8. Scorpio (October 23–November 21)
The horoscope for February 14-20 asks you to be blunt and let people know what you think honestly. Remove the filters and let people face harsh reality because they are relying on you. A close friend might be in need of your wisdom, so don’t sugarcoat things and spit straight-up facts. Which reminds me, if your boss is acting up, maybe they need your wisdom and reality check too. So, step into the shoes of the greats and play the role to perfection because you have to save the day sometimes.
AAE Pro Tip: Keep a backup of all your work in case you spill some coffee on your laptop and crash it.

9. Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)
You’ll be feeling a little vulnerable this week, Sagittarius, but if you open up to the right people, you’ll be able to get through it. Your emotions are all over the place and you need to have a little clarity on where you stand. But don’t rush the process and let out whatever you have had bottled up inside you all this while. A little emotional release will ease your mind and make you see things the way they truly are. So, maybe put on some sappy movies and grab that bowl of popcorn.
AAE Pro Tip: Stay away from drinking your sadness if you don’t want to have your head in the toilet, puking your guts out.

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10. Capricorn (December 22–January 19)
You are getting closer to your breaking point and I really hope you stop pushing yourself too hard. You have some important decisions to make, so you might as well rip off the bandaid. It’s not the easiest of weeks but you are learning important lessons about yourself, my dearest. So, give yourself enough time and space to make the right call and do what makes sense to you. There will be a lot of opinions on what course of action you choose, but at the end of the day, what you think is the only thing that matters.
AAE Pro Tip: Take your time to process things before making the final call and don’t let things overwhelm you.

11. Aquarius (January 20–February 18)
Soak in the last week of the birthday season and make all the silly mistakes you otherwise wouldn’t. But once you are done, it is time to get back into your routine with some new and healthy habits. Because this is the perfect time to toss some old, toxic habits and patterns in the bin and give yourself a personality makeover. Don’t cry over spilt milk and look ahead at what lies in the future to make the most of it. Think carefully about what you want instead of doing what everyone is doing.
AAE Pro Tip: Go at your own pace and don’t let your friends make you chug all those beers too quickly.

12. Pisces (February 19–March 20)
Your sneaky habits might get you into trouble this week, Pisces, so you better stop. Because if you mess up, confrontation will be unavoidable and frankly awkward. So, mend your ways and don’t do stupid things for cheap thrills because they are so not worth it. And if you think people don’t notice your behaviour, babe, they do, they are just looking the other way. Maybe save yourself from all the stress and start making new plans that’ll save your ass.
AAE Pro Tip: Concealing important things from the people around you isn’t a great idea, so spill the beans even if it sounds scary.

Have a lovely week ahead!