It’s a good week to sit in front of the mirror and face your reality. Here’s your horoscope from January 27 to February 2, 2025.

1. Aries (March 21–April 19)

You know what’s hot? Not being left on ‘seen’ by someone who doesn’t look half as good as you, not responding to your boss’ “urgent” mail at 11 pm, and taking charge of your life and treating yourself as the only character that matters in your story. Don’t waste the fierceness of this week cleaning and changing sheets when you could be getting under them and making a hot mess.

AAE Pro Tip: If you’re feeling like getting pizza, don’t guilt trip yourself into eating a salad.

Related: Go Green, Get Clean: 7 Vegetable Juices That Will Help You Detox

2. Taurus (April 20–May 20)

Are you in a relationship just because you’ve grown too comfortable? Do you see yourself settling down with this person? Sharing your goals and just sharing your life with them? Depending on your answer, prepare your next move. You still have the upper hand. It’s better to take that chance instead of being stuck somewhere you constantly feel undervalued.

AAE Pro Tip: Call your Cancerian bestie to exchange advice and rant.

3. Gemini (May 21–June 20)

You might think you’re the smartest player in the room, Gemini, but you must also know you’re not always correct. So, this week, let’s assume people know how to do their jobs, and you keep your pokey finger out of it. This applies to your personal relationships too. You might want to peek into your own girebaan before saying anything to anyone else.

AAE Pro Tip: If you’re not up for a task, just say no. 

horoscope for january 27 to february 2

4. Cancer (June 21–July 22)

The horoscope for January 27 to February 2, 2025, reminds you to control your urge to control everything. If you are seeking some sense of control and clarity in your life, how about you clean your extremely messy wardrobe? While you’re at it, take out the clothes you’ve stacked at the back and just let them go, for your own sake. You are not fitting into them and they are just occupying space unnecessarily.

AAE Pro Tip: Charity usually begins at home but you won’t be nice to your siblings. So, do the charity work outside. 

5. Leo (July 23–August 22)

A work dilemma might eat up your time and make you a little fussy to deal with. So, take my advice and rip it off like a quick band-aid. You’ve been sitting on your decisions for far too long now. You’ve got to be quick on your feet this week, in personal and professional matters. Stop delaying the inevitable and stop giving people excuses. Get the job done once and for all.

AAE Pro Tip: This is a week of self-care for you, so sweat it out. Either in the gym or the spa. 

Related: 15 Funny Leo Memes That Mirror The Unstable And Diva Personality Of This Zodiac

6. Virgo (August 23–September 22)

The horoscope for January 27 to February 2, 2025, reminds you that things that belong in the past should firmly stay there. Like your exes. There is no good reason to keep entertaining them. Enough with all the niceness. This week, set some boundaries and let them know you don’t have the bandwidth for them. If required, take a huge pair of scissors and cut ties. You don’t need people making you feel guilty for not seeing them, especially your exes.

AAE Pro Tip: You might need to lower your expectations to avoid disappointment. 

horoscope for january 27 to february 2

Related: Stuck In A Dry Spell? Try Some Good Old Lazy Sex When You’re Cold And Tired

7. Libra (September 23–October 22)

The Aquarius season is making you feel more social and less like you want to go to work. Well, I say follow your gut because you were never meant to be working a 9-5 when you could be out there drinking wine and exploring the world. So, this week, make an excuse and get out of work, because why not? Gather your gang and head out of the city but remember to hide your colleagues from your stories.

AAE Pro Tip: If you’ve got a lot on your plate, don’t take on more work. Delegate. 

8. Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

When things feel too overwhelming and you know you are stretching yourself to the maximum, after a point, snapping like a rubber band is inevitable. So, the horoscope for January 27 to February 2, 2025, is here to remind you to take breaks and detach yourself from things and people who might be draining your energy. I know it is easier said than done, but to save yourself from burning out, walk away from the flame.

AAE Pro Tip: Good things take time. Trust the universe to make them happen. 

Related: 15 Scorpio Memes That Will Make This Unhinged Water Sign Feel Attacked

9. Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

Looks like someone is getting busy with all that extra work that your boss only trusts you with. Well, it is always good to be liked by your boss. But, you must remember that people love taking advantage of other people’s hard work and their inability to say no. So, if you think your boss isn’t misusing your niceness, keep at it. But if you can sense foul play, a sit-down is important this week.

AAE Pro Tip: Pay attention to your personal affairs and give them their due time.

horoscope for january 27 to february 2

10. Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

Being vocal is the only way you’ll ever be able to survive at work, so don’t downplay anything that needs addressing. This applies to your personal relationships too. If you have an opinion, or if you have thoughts about something, express them. Don’t think about how it might come across and if it can affect your relationship with people. Those who care will understand your POV and the ones who don’t will just sulk, which shouldn’t bother you. You do you.

AAE Pro Tip: Take care of your health and don’t entertain anyone who harms your peace. 

11. Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

Have you gotten back to your jam, Aquarius? Well, work is getting busy, and even though you are giving ample time to your partner, they might still complain about not getting enough. So, you’re gonna have to sit down and work things through. If work is getting too much, you can simply ask for help and delegate. Your personal affairs will get sorted with a little more effort and a romantic candle night dinner.

AAE Pro Tip: It’s a good time to make some investments, like that Dior Bag you’ve been eyeing. 

12. Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Taking a back seat when it comes to family matters is not going to fly this week, Pisces. If something needs to be addressed, keep your ears open but your mouth shut to really understand the depth of the issues. When you know you can fix something, don’t act cocky and wait for people to come to you for help. Instead, take initiative, and like an adult, work things through to restore peace.

AAE Pro Tip: Nobody needs that many cups of coffee in a day, calm down. 


Related: Seeing 11:11 Around You? Here’s What The Universe Is Trying To Tell You

Have a lovely week!


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