Get back to your desks ’cause Virgo season is here to help you get your act together. Here’s your horoscope for August 26-September 1.
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1. Aries (March 21–April 19)
Looks like the Virgo season is here to give you a reality check, my love, and you ain’t gonna like it. All that junk eating, never getting out of bed, and going MIA on personal and work front will catch up to you. The horoscope for August 26-September 1 reminds you to straighten your ways and clear out the mess. Enough with procrastinating from bed; get out and get down to some action. Not the dirty kind though, coz you ain’t getting any this week.
AAE Pro Tip: Fix our sleeping schedule; everything else will automatically fall into place.
2. Taurus (April 20–May 20)
Dear Taurus, now that you feel social enough, people are going to cancel plans on you. Insane, I know, but karma too, huh? Never mind, because Virgo season is here to encourage you to enjoy some solo time. What’s better than one’s own company? And I have a spicy suggestion for you this week. Your love life will pick up, and your partner will be in the mood to take it up a notch. So, practice some moves in your alone time and see what you like before making them go to town on you.
AAE Pro Tip: If you’re sad and single, you could still practice some moves on you and have fun.
3. Gemini (May 21–June 20)
You’re making up your mind, and there’s a lot going on there. You’re having a rush of ideas — some are good, some are decent, and some are downright evil. I suggest you go for the ones that are downright evil and give up playing the nice dude. You know your insides are itching to bring out your genius and devilish side to the forefront, and I don’t understand what’s stopping you. So, give in and have some fun, okay?
AAE Pro Tip: Take some shots and blame all the bad decisions on alcohol.
4. Cancer (June 21–July 22)
We’re back to the Earth season, and this is your time to get your shit together. You’ve kinda been all over the place, Cancer, but this week allows you time to sit down and have a one-on-one with yourself. What’s your plan for the last four months of the year? Are you planning to get into a relationship or situationship, or are you just going to lead people on for now? Make up your mind, because soon you’ll need some answers.
AAE Pro Tip: Let old flames die; reigniting them won’t bring the same kind of spark back.
5. Leo (July 23–August 22)
The horoscope for August 26-September 1 will have you on your feet post the birthday season. But it won’t be all work, no plan, and you shouldn’t follow such mottos in life either. Building your life is important, but living what you are creating is equally crucial, love. So, straighten up your schedule, work hard, but remember to play harder. Burying yourself in one aspect of life will have you dead on the inside sooner or later. Have some fun while you are at it.
AAE Pro Tip: Replan your budgets and make them more realistic to match your expenses.
Related: 15 Funny Leo Memes That Mirror The Unstable And Diva Personality Of This Zodiac!
6. Virgo (August 23–September 22)
It’s the birthday season, babies! I know you are jumping on the inside, even if you have a poker face on the outside. Well, a pro tip for you, Virgo. You are allowed to jump on the bed, order a whole-ass pizza, skip work and binge-watch your favourite show because you are allowed to have emotions and express them. Nobody around you expects you to be a smart ass all the time, so let loose and show people you can be the mayor of the fun town annually.
AAE Pro Tip: Skip the wheat base for your pizza, order extra cheese and enjoy a good guilty pleasure.
7. Libra (September 23–October 22)
It’s the Virgo season, which means it is time to unload everything you have been holding onto. Now, I know you aren’t a hoarder but take a look around, Libra. Are you hoarding emotions, delaying the inevitable, or feeling like a mess, even slightly? Well, it is time to clear the junk drawers, emotions, and anything else that is dead weight. That’s the only way forward. So get at it, even if it takes a little while.
AAE Pro Tip: Have a whole bottle of wine, and you will start feeling better about letting go.
8. Scorpio (October 23–November 21)
The Virgo season brings you a chance to revamp your social life and mingle with some new people. You’ve been in your shell for far too long, and now is the time to step out and see what awaits you. I know you’d rather have a night ordering in and binge-watching, but you can do that any other time. Right now, you gotta expand your network and catch up with some people, old and new. It’s time to change the vibes, Scorpio; get out of your pyjamas.
AAE Pro Tip: It’s time to bring out the spontaneous version of yourself and enjoy what the week brings you.
Related: Seeing 11:11 Around You? Here’s What The Universe Is Trying To Tell You
9. Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)
Looks like the horoscope for August 26-September 1 is putting you in the spotlight. Gear up, Sagittarius; now is the time to show people your actual worth. Work is gonna be packed this week, and if you whip out those managerial skills and leadership qualities that you once faked on your resume, you could be seen in a new light by your boss. And who knows, that might lead to assuming a bigger, better, and higher-paying role.
AAE Pro Tip: A little catch-up with old friends is on the cards. Don’t bail this time.
10. Capricorn (December 22–January 19)
If you have a chance to get started on something that will make you move towards a better lifestyle, grab it with both hands. You may feel it’s challenging, but when did you start worrying about new challenges? You’ve gotta push yourself, Capricorn; enough of laying low. If you want things a certain way, you gotta shape them yourself. Let Virgo season be your guide in making new plans, working towards them, and accomplishing them. There’s no time to slouch now; buckle up.
AAE Pro Tip: Spend quality time with yourself and your thoughts so that things don’t feel too overwhelming.
11. Aquarius (January 20–February 18)
This is no time to take a trip down the overthinking lane, Aquarius. It is time to act upon all the overthinking you have already done in the past. Work is picking up pace, and if you don’t catch up now, it will be harder to keep up. Your personal affairs can take a backseat for now and will fare well if you pay even the bare minimum attention to them. Focus on the tasks at hand, and get cracking on ways to get back on top.
AAE Pro Tip: You might feel like you need a little me time this week; don’t let anyone hold you back.
12. Pisces (February 19–March 20)
Let the drama be washed away like the Leo season because the Virgo season is all about channelling your calm and composed self. There might be people who make you want to put their head through a wall, but this week, we are practising patience and ignoring the living hell out of people. So, let old grudges stay buried, exes remain in the past and pay attention to your present.
AAE Pro Tip: You know the consequences of your actions. Whether you do them or not is your choice.
Have a lovely week!
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